Former president Rafael Correa, investigated in Ecuador for organized crime

The complaint came from former assemblyman César Montúfar, who was also a private prosecutor in the only trial for the Odebrecht case with a final ruling in Ecuador. In his opinion, "corruption was not an isolated event but rather an organized scheme" within the Correa Government.

Miguel Díaz-Canel, junto a Rafael Correa. © Granma.
Miguel Díaz-Canel, together with Rafael Correa. Photo © Granma.

This article is from 5 years ago

Former Ecuadorian president Rafael Correa is being investigated in his country for organized crime. According to the newspaper The country, this is a new avenue in the investigation of the Odebrecht case.

The scandal adds to the irregularities detected by audits and denounced by Lenín Moreno's executive, who criticizes the inheritance received from Correa.

Now the Attorney General's Office is investigating the former president and seven other senior Correismo officials. Among them, former vice president Jorge Glas, legal secretary Alexis Mera and former Minister of the Interior, José Serrano. They are all accused of organized crime.

The complaint came from former assemblyman César Montúfar, who was also a private prosecutor in the only trial for the Odebrecht case with a final ruling in Ecuador. In his opinion, "corruption was not an isolated event but rather an organized scheme" within the Correa Government.

According to Montúfar, Correa promoted legal reforms, created institutions and appointed collaborators who had a criminal role. In this way they embezzled public funds and enriched themselves illicitly.

In the Odebrecht case, bribes of 33 million dollars were paid to public officials with detriment to the Ecuadorian State for the amount of the contracts signed with the construction company. This is stated in reports from the United States authorities.

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