Florida begins the sale of tax-free items for the hurricane season

Items such as batteries, flashlights or self-powered lamps can be purchased at lower prices by residents.

Zona de Florida tras el huracán Michael en 2018. © Captura de video en Twitter
Florida area after Hurricane Michael in 2018. Photo © Twitter video capture

This article is from 4 years ago

Facing hurricane season that begins this June 1st, the state of Florida has released taxes on a number of high-demand items at this stage.

The tax-free sale begins this Friday and will run until June 6.

Among the items are batteries, self-powered flashlights or lamps and portable radios, which can be purchased at lower prices by residents who are beginning to take precautions against possible atmospheric phenomena.

The prices of tarps to cover roofs, electricity generators, reusable ice and portable refrigerators are also dropping.

This state measure was approved by the governor of Florida, Republican Ron DeSantis.

As reported NBC Miami, the law also includes those affected by Hurricane Michael last year. Those who need to buy construction materials due to damage to their homes will also have several tax-free products.

Additionally, farmers who are currently unable to cultivate their land due to the ravages of the 2018 hurricane will have a tax-free year on their property.

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