Huge queues in Havana to buy food

The huge queues are not only seen in Havana. This situation extends throughout the national territory. They have worsened with the coronavirus crisis, but it is a problem that has been experienced in Cuba for 60 years.

This article is from 3 years ago

The queues continue in Havana despite the isolation measures imposed to stop the coronavirus epidemic. Agglomerations of people spread throughout all the municipalities of the capital.

One of the characteristics of these queues is that everyone wears their mask, as it is a mandatory measure in Cuba. Another characteristic is the police presence, which, according to citizens, “does not imply that there is no molote.”

Thefood shortage in Cuba It is the main reason for these queues throughout the entire island. Furthermore, the way food is distributed and the concentration of products in certain parts of the city makes the lines of people even longer.

The people who mostqueues make in Cuba They are those over 60 years of age, despite the fact that they are the most vulnerable population against the new coronavirus.

These queues that we show today occur in Havana, the region that concentrates the largest number of positive coronavirus cases in Cuba.

Although the city has stopped and the streets can be seen empty, this is not the case at the grocery sales points. Buying food in Cuba was already difficult before this crisis hit. The lines to buy a package of chicken thighs can take long hours.

Pork has disappeared from the market, it is believed that this is linked to the measure adopted by the State to cap its price, which causes the product to begin to circulate on the black market and at an even higher cost.

Basic products such as hygiene products and food, especially meat, are not found in Cuba in this health crisis.

Those who live in Havana are forced to leave their homes to get food, exposing themselves to these crowds, in which the tension often becomes such that things escalate.

Heat, hunger, sun, noise, social indiscipline, repression, police presence, shortages, queues, viruses, there is a time bomb ready to explode in Havana.

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Gretchen Sanchez

Branded Content Writer at CiberCuba. Doctor in Sciences from the University of Alicante and Graduate in Sociocultural Studies.

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