Who is eligible for Obamacare?: All about subsidized insurance plans

Applying during the established registration period is very important because outside these dates it is only possible to do so under special conditions.

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This article is from 3 years ago

From November 1 to December 15, the registration period for the federal Affordable Care Act health program, better known asObamacare.

This program, with subsidies from the US Government, requires insurers to offer health coverage to all people who apply, without imposing extra charges for pre-existing health conditions.

The program works with a federal health insurance exchange and the coverage has a high subsidized percentage, which varies depending on the person's salary.

Univista Insurance, one of the largest insurance companies in South Florida, offers this service.

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Why should I choose an insurer to apply for Obamacare plans?

Due to the coronavirus crisis, 2021 coverage increased its price by 3.1% compared to 2020. Applying with agents who have experience can help you choose a better plan at a lower cost.

InUnivista Insurance There are over 500 agents to help you maximize the amount of subsidy you qualify for and reduce your monthly premiums. These people are also responsible for checking that you meet the requirements and providing you with all the resources to assist you during the registration process.

Why should I apply between November 1 and December 15?

Applying during the established registration period is very important because outside these dates it is only possible to do so under special conditions. One of them could be job loss. But it is advisable that you take advantage of the deadline to contact one of the agents to find out if you qualify and for them to guide you in case you do not but your condition varies during the year.

Doing so outside of the enrollment period could cause you to lose the opportunity to have subsidized insurance.

Why is it so important that the Obamacare program does not take pre-existing conditions into account?

People who have a pre-existing condition, even without knowing it, could be forced to pay much more for their health insurance.

The Obamacare program forces insurance companies that work in the health market to eliminate everything related to pre-existing conditions so that they do not determine the price of policies.

What happens to women during their pregnancy when they have Obamacare insurance?

Pregnant women who have a medical plan of this type have medical coverage for all the treatments they require during their pregnancy.

Who is eligible for Obamacare?

Every year the US Government updates the income limits of individuals or families to access the Obamacare subsidized health insurance market.

The annual income range that a person must meet to apply for these types of programs is set based on the poverty level indicated each year by the US Department of Health and Human Services.

For a person to be eligible, in the case of Florida, they must earn from $12,760 annually to $51,040. If it is a family unit of 4 people, the income must be in the range of $26,200 to $104,800.

If a person earns less than that they could be eligible for MEDICAID or another government assistance program.

What do I need to do to sign up for Obamacare?

You can callUnivista Insurance by phone (305) 728-4766 or throughThis formulary Leave the data and they take care of everything.

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