The apologies offered by Sandro Castro, grandson of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro, following the release of a video in which he was seen driving a Mercedes-Benz on a road in the Island, have generated numerous memes on social media.
Without hesitation, the Cubans have used the young man's statement as a source of mockery online, demonstrating that no one believes him, especially when he claimed that the aforementioned Mercedes was not his.
"The car I used to record the video belongs to a friend of mine who lent it to me because I enjoy cars and wanted to give it a try," he said.
In his retraction, he stated that he considers himself "a humble person" and that "the people close to me know that what I am saying is true."
In the original video recorded by his girlfriend, he can be heard saying, "Every now and then you need to take out these little toys we have at home." Days later, he claimed that referring to "the toys" was a joke, "because the car definitely isn't mine."
"I did not publish that video; I only shared it in my WhatsApp status for my close, trusted contacts. However, against my will, that video ended up circulating to other platforms," he emphasized.
Some have created their memes and associated them with the musical theme by troubadour Raúl Torres, 'Patria o Muerte por la Vida,' which has been harshly criticized for its poor quality and has faced numerous mockeries on social media.
The images of the dictator's grandson driving a luxury car, at a time when the people are suffering the worst economic crisis in recent times, sparked rightful outrage among internet users.
The video sparked strong criticism on social media and independent news outlets, which pointed out that the country is undergoing a severe shortage of essential goods and services, including transportation.
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