Documental de Jazz Vilá dirá “Goodbye” to Broselianda Hernández

“Goodbye” has a strong investigative weight in order to contrast the information with the testimonies and offer a more comprehensive look at how those who try to take their own lives suffer and how those around them suffer.

Jazz Vilá © Ernesto López / Cortesía del entrevistado
Jazz Vila Photo © Ernesto López / Courtesy of the interviewee

This article is from 2 years ago

I can still remember the pain in Jazz Vilá's voice when I called him last November to talk to him about the death of actress Broselianda Hernández, her dear friend whom she has always affectionately called “my egregia.”

Barely six months after the artist's disappearance in Miami, the young actor and theater director is preparing an audiovisual that will tell that “painful reality.” It will be “the tribute that she deserved as an artist” and at the same time a way of expressing “the admiration that I had, have and will always have for him, especially as a human being.”

Broselianda Hernández's body was found on a beach in Miami on November 18, 2020 / Photo: Instagram of the artist

Vilá feels the need to say goodbye like this because “Brose marked my professional and personal life. Most people can't imagine how much. We met and connected on God's time, which is a different time than 24 hours a day and makes it seem like you've known someone for a thousand, even if you've known someone for a year. That's what happened to me with her and her magic."

“Goodbye” will constitute a documentary testimony in which there will be no questions and answers, nor interviewers or interviewees. According to Vilá CyberCuba, “it's about saying goodbye to her in a unique way because she was unique, and leaving behind the bad things that have happened since she left.”

Vilá does not intend to talk only about “Brose”, but to make us understand “that thin line between life and death, and how the fact of seeking to disappear so suddenly and unexpectedly is a decision that can be made in the midst of a lot of loneliness and that It affects you and those around you. His loss made me question whether I wanted to stay alive.”

Likewise, Vilá confesses that the audiovisual will collect his own testimony and that of those who were close to having to say a final goodbye to him as well. “After Brose's death and other losses I had, I followed in her footsteps and that is why I understand her more now and those who knew her and know me, the same.”

For the first time in charge of a documentary, the author of works such as “Rascacielos” and “Farándula” wants to give “a cry for life, for hope, so that it is not too late for others and so that history will help many people.” I dialed". In other words, it is time "to talk about something that is not talked about, a topic that is quite taboo, with figures that are barely handled, which is ceasing to exist of one's own free will."

Without ruling out the possibility of writing a play or directing a film titled “Mi egregia” in 10 years because “when one has a life as full of legends and adventures as Brose's, there is a lot to tell,” Vilá carries out the documentary right in the City of the Sun, where Broselianda died and where he is reuniting with her.

Although he does not yet want to reveal names because it is in an early stage of realization, the actor clarifies that the project does not only involve well-known actors and musicians, but also those who behind the scenes have been willingly joining in.

Actress Alina Robert is one of those involved in "Goodbye." She was one of the last to work with Broselianda and was very close to Jazz in recent months / Photo: Ernesto López (Courtesy of the interviewee)

Likewise, “Adiós” has a strong investigative weight in order to contrast the information with the testimonies and offer a more comprehensive look at how those who try to take their own lives suffer and how those around them suffer. “I think it will make something so tragic a kind of warning, a light within the darkness.”

As it is quite complex to guide a work in which he is so emotionally involved, Vilá considers that “the eye of a second person behind it is essential and that credit is totally valid for Hansel Porras, who gave me the news of Brose's death very early. that morning and it is helping me a lot to shape the structure and the plot.”

According to the artist, the aesthetic resources focus on “a clear, direct sense of the image, without sugarcoating anything or giving it a melancholic or melodramatic sense, which does not mean that it lacks poetry, because there is a kind of narration, that Hansel wrote: the parallel stories of two people who walk into the dark and only one of them manages to miraculously return.”

Hansel Porras is helping a lot to shape the documentary that is currently being developed in Miami / Photo: Ernesto López (Courtesy of the interviewee)

-Is this a way to rebuild yourself after so much pain? - I ask him.

-More than a way to rebuild myself, it is a way to transform pain into something that can help many more people and that I believe is a vital need for artists. After these months of a lot of pain, of many questions, of trying to understand why everything happened, I came to know why.

“‘Farándula’, for example, is a very sad personal story and I converted it into something that could bring joy to others. Every time the play was put on and the audience laughed, I saw my pain converted into the immense pleasure of thousands of people and I understood that it had made sense.

“This is something similar, but much deeper because I am more exposed, because this time there is no work that sweetens reality. However, I hope it is as expansive as my works have been. “I am putting a lot into it, more than to rebuild myself, to continue growing.”

-How much can “Goodbye” help those who have gone through similar experiences?

- Many people go through something like this and don't talk about it because they think that others who know about it judge them as cowards or because they don't understand them and want to deny it. We need to realize that no matter how strong a person may seem, we all have an Achilles heel, a weak point, very fragile.

“It is the responsibility of everyone who is close or has any kind of affection for a person who is going through a difficult time, to show them, to be there, to give them a hug that is so important. Sometimes words are not needed, you don't have to say anything, just be there, hug, shake hands.

“I hope this documentary helps those who can shake hands and give a hug know that they do not help in the way they want to do it, but in the way that is needed so that those who are going through pain can have a space of security.” ”.

What do you think?


Filed in:

Katheryn Felipe

(Havana, 1991) Graduated in Journalism from the University of Havana in 2014. She has worked in various print, digital and television media.

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