How to vote for the Cuban Fabien Laurencio in Nuestra Belleza Latina 2021

The time has come to choose the girl who will enter the mansion at Nuestra Belleza Latina 2021.

Fabien Laurencio © Instagram Fabien Laurencio
Fabian Laurence Photo © Instagram by Fabien Laurencio

This article is from 2 years ago

The CubanFaby Laurencio de la Concepción, a contestant in Nuestra Belleza Latina 2021, is among the young women who depend on the public to continue fighting to win the crown.

Fabian Laurence He needs the votes of his followers to enter the Nuestra Belleza Latina mansion and continue in the contest. From the contest's social networks they have indicated that voting time has arrived and there are two ways to participate.

Univision broadcast this Sunday the first episode of the contest in which the judges will choose the winner, but the public also has the opportunity to vote for their favorite.

"This year the winner will be chosen by us, the judges, but also by the public," said the organizers of the contest and pointed out that fans will be able to choose the two people who will complete the 20 who continue in the competition.

There was a tie between candidates and public participation is decisive. There are two ways to vote in Nuestra Belleza Latina 2021 to decide who continues. You must enter the pageOur Latin Beauty and vote every Sunday where the name of the participant appears whose permanence depends on the vote of the contest's followers.

Each person has10 votes available and you can choose 10 different contestants or assign all your votes to just one.

There is a second way to vote which is through phone calls. Every Sunday the names of the participants and the Telephone numberswhich the public can mark to support their favorite.

The votes will bevalid for 24 hours, so there is less and less time tovote for the contestant Faby. The results of the voting will be announced the following Sunday.

Fabian Laurence She is 27 years old, Cuban and lives in Houston, Texas. She is a dental assistant and model. Last week she burst into the most important beauty show for Latinos, giving a unique weather report with a yellow cape that carried a powerful message addressed to the Cuban community:"Homeland, Life and Freedom" said his clothing.

The Cuban knows that her career in the contest is difficult because she is not very famous yet among Latinos and will depend a lot on the support of her followers. On social networks he left an explicit message for them.

"First of all I want to say THANK YOU to everyone who has been supporting me since I was recognized for those 0.005 seconds in a promotion. You know me better than anyone and know that I am here representing all of us, representing what we are, where we come from and the talent that we have even though many limitations hold us back," said the Cuban.

Faby came to the United States in 2015 with her husband. She appeared at the auditions for Nuestra Belleza Latina 2021 without any experience in the world of beauty or in the artistic medium. However, in a few minutes she managed to steal the hearts of thousands of viewers and Cubans inside and outside the United States who see in her a reference in the fight for a better future.

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