Podcast by Cuban activist Raúl Soublett awarded at the Latin Podcast Awards 2021

The activist said that the award is not only for the work team, but "for all of Cuba, for the political prisoners and the people who fight for a better country," and announced a more daring, spicy and rebellious next season, which "will not will tolerate censorship of any kind."

Raúl Soublett López  © Raúl Soublett López / Facebook
Raúl Soublett López Photo © Raúl Soublett López / Facebook

This article is from 2 years ago

The Cuban LGBTI activist Raúl Soublett López is the first Cuban to receive an award at the Latin Podcast Awards, in the 'Cuba Newcomer' category.

Soublett López broke the news on his Twitter account, where he stressed that it is the first time that Cuban podcasters participate in the contest.

"I'm stopping by to tell you that my project 'En Estereo-Podcast' won the 'Cuba Revelation' category in the V Edition of the Latin Podcast Awards 2021, an award dedicated to all the Cuban people," he said.

'En Estéreo Podcast' is a digital audio project created by Soublett López in 2020, during the confinement caused by the coronavirus pandemic in Cuba. The first episode premiered on October 2 of that year.

The director of the Afro-Cuban Alliance stressed that the recognition is not only for the work team, but "for all of Cuba, for the political prisoners and the people who fight for a better country."

"Everyone on the team is very happy. We never projected ourselves to win this award. We didn't even know that this type of event existed when we started and the fact that our work has been valued makes us feel very fulfilled," he told the digital portal.Cuba DNA.

The objective of the podcast is to address the problems of current Cuban society, fundamentally linked to racial issues.

Soublett is already preparing a second season, which is in the production phase and which in his opinion will be "more daring and spicy, more oppositional and will not tolerate censorship of any kind."

For his work as an activist, Soublett López has been harassed and threatened by State Security, which last Octoberinformed him that they would accuse him of mercenarism, a crime for which he could be punished with up to 20 years in prison.

"According to them they have proof that I receive money from PIN, Race & Equality and Freedom House for the videos I make," he toldCyberCuba.

The coordinator of the Afro-Cuban Alliance said that he will denounce each abuse,threat or violation of your rights that you suffer from the authorities governmental.

"If they expect me to leave my job or the university, I will not give them that pleasure, they will have to throw me out. I will continue to criticize and ask for changes," he stressed.

Raúl Soublett combines his activism with his work as a teacher in a primary school and his studies for a degree in Computer Science in Education at the Enrique José Varona University of Pedagogical Sciences.

The Latin Podcast Awards were created in 2017. In this edition, Cuban projects were nominated for the first time. In addition to 'En Estéreo Podcast', 'Lo Cargamos Rizo Radio' and 'La Cafetera Podcast' were presented by Cuba.

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