Silvito El Libre and Al2 El Aldeano accuse El Taiger of paying someone to beat them

"You're paying for them to do what you don't have the courage to do," Al2 said.

El Taiger, Al2 El Aldeano y Silvito El Libre © Instagram de los artistas
El Taiger, Al2 El Aldeano and Silvito El Libre Photo © Instagram of the artists

This article is from 2 years ago

The Cuban urban genre is heating up by the day and clashes do not stop. After even the singer Lenier Mesa, known for his romantic side and staying away from conflicts, will enter the tiradera ring with Yulién Oviedo, now Silvito The Free and Al2 The Villager They resumed theirs with the reggaeton player The Taiger.

The rappers accused the interpreter of "La Historia", with whom They had a public confrontation a few months ago, of paying to be beaten, as both said in their Instagram stories.

"You're paying for them to do what you don't have the courage to do, which is hit us," said Al2, who is on tour in Colombia, but warned that when he returns "I'm going to shoot them all."

"Send money to the mothers of your imprisoned friends. Take it personally," the rapper added.

Instagram Stories / Al2 El Aldo

For his part, Silvito El Libre wrote: "It's a shame that these 'little men' have to pay for others to do what they don't have the courage to do (...) Anything that happens to me or mine doesn't work for them." to achieve life to pay us".

Screen capture / YouTube Adrián Fernández

In a live interview a few days before, El Taiger had asked the rappers to lower "two lines, that they are going to find themselves in an ugly problem and it won't matter that they are the best in the world."

In addition, he issued a warning to the followers who support Al2 and Silvito: "They are laughing at their thanks but behind the thanks come misfortunes."

The problems between Al2 El Aldeano and El Taiger began in mid-December, after the rapper published a message for the reggaeton player on his Instagram stories, in which he reproached him for messing with his family and accused him of "snitching." .

"I never messed with you asere, you did with my family publicly, because Damián was the one who invited my late aunts and my mother, not you," Al2 wrote in reference to Damián and El Taiger's concerts when they formed the duo Desiguales. and to a comment by El Taiger about him inviting Al2 to his concerts at the Galiano House of Music.

Shortly after, Al2 launched his shot "Feline". Taiger then said in a direct message in his stories that in order for him to shoot Al2 and prove that he is "an animal", the rapper had to pay him.

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