The Cuban independent journalist Camila AcostaShe reported this Saturday that State Security had her under siege in her home for three consecutive days.
"I have had permanent State Security surveillance for three days. And yet, Cuba lies and denies everything in international organizations," the young reporter wrote on her Twitter account.
Acosta, like many other Cuban activists, opponents and independent journalists, suffers harassment from the political police, which increased in the days before the May Day parade.
Some have been warned that they cannot leave their homes, whileothers were summoned or arrested by the police for questioning and threats.
"I have been a victim of house confinement and arbitrary arrests and physical and psychological torture," the young Cuban stressed.
When the most significant dates for the ruling party approach, an operation is deployed that does not skimp on material and human resources in order to prevent dissidents and human rights defenders from demonstrating or independent reporters from showing a reality different from that of the government. the state press.
Due to the coronavirus, the May Day parade has not been held in Cuba for two years, one of the popular gatherings that Havana has historically used to maintain that it has great popular support.
The mythical images of a Havana Plaza de la Revolución full of people shouting slogans in favor of the government, and their reproductions in provinces and municipalities,It is propaganda in favor of the regime used by the leftist movements of the worldto sustain the popular character of the Cuban communist government.
In that sense,the use of the phrase has gone viralDPEPDPE, which not only rejects the popular call for May Day, but also shows the lack of interest of a part of the population in this type of political event, in addition to criticism of the government for calling a mass gathering when the coronavirus is still spreading. remains prevalent throughout the national territory.
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