Maduro says he will request a visa to attend salsa festival in New York

While the regimes of Cuba and Venezuela use the alleged United States veto of their participation in the Summit of the Americas as a tool of agitation and propaganda towards their sympathizers, their leaders allow themselves to joke about the matter.

El gobernante venezolano Nicolás Maduro y su esposa, Cilia Flores ©
Venezuelan ruler Nicolás Maduro and his wife, Cilia Flores Photo ©

This article is from 1 year ago

The Venezuelan rulerNicolás Maduro Moros He will ask the United States authorities to grant him and his wife a visa,Cilia Flowers, to attend a Puerto Rican salsa festival, scheduled to be held in New York City early next month.

“I'm asking for my visa to go to New York, to the Puerto Rican salsa festival in New York.On June 11, Cilia and I are leaving, straight to New York. Are they waiting for me in New York? I really like New York. I know New York very well. "I have driven a lot in New York, right Cilia?" declared the Bolivarian leader this Friday on the program La Hora de la Salsa.Future TV.

The statements were received with laughter by the program's interviewers, who perhaps perceived irony in the Venezuelan dictator's words. Maduro's visit would take place on June 11, one day after theSummit of the Americas, to which everything seems to indicate that he will not be invited.

Traditionally, on June 12, the Puerto Rico Day Parade is celebrated in the United States (National Puerto Rican Day Parade), a party along Fifth Avenue in the borough of Manhattan, in the heart of New York.

The parade, which attracts many Puerto Rican celebrities and politicians from the Tri-State area, is held on the second Sunday in June, in honor of the 3.2 million residents of Puerto Rico and all people of Puerto Rican birth or descent who reside. in “Continental United States.”

The Summit of the Americas, scheduled to be held between June 6 and 10 in the city of Los Angeles, remains involved in the controversy over the States that will finally be invited, a mystery that mainly weighs on Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua, but that has caused rejection of the possible veto of these the Mexican president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

The United States - which has once again been the host country since it held the first Summit in Miami in 1994 - has expressed the Biden administration's desire for the Summit of the Americas to dedicate special attention to cooperation between governments of the Western Hemisphere, fundamentally on issues such as migration and human rights, in which the Cuban regime has little to be proud of.

"They probably won't be there.", said the US Undersecretary of State for Hemispheric Affairs, Brian A. Nichols, recently before a group of journalists. The official stressed once again that the summit will focus on the democratic governments of the Western Hemisphere.

"Cuba, Nicaragua and the (Nicolás) Maduro regime do not respect the democratic charter of the Americas and therefore I do not expect his presence," Nichols told news channel NTN24 days later.

However, officials from President Joe Biden's administration indicated this Friday that they would be consideringinvite a Cuban representative to the Summit, in an effort to avoid a potentially embarrassing boycott by some regional leaders.

The discussion has focused on allowing a Cuban presence at the Los Angeles summit below the level of the country's president or foreign minister, but it is at an early stage and no decision has been made, a source revealed to the agency.Reuters.

While the dictatorships of Cuba and Venezuela use the alleged United States veto of their participation in the conclave as a tool of agitation and propaganda towards their sympathizers, their leaders - as in the case of Maduro - allow themselves to joke about the matter.

The sarcastic tone of the Venezuelan president highlightsthe need of the “historic enemy” (the United States) to consolidate its regional alliances in the face of the geostrategic threat represented by Russia's proximity to these countries at the current time, with the invasion of Ukraine as a backdrop.

“In the south of New York there is little Italy, 'the Little Italy'. They sell world-class spaghetti there. And the Chinatown, and Manhattan, and the Dominican neighborhood and the Puerto Rican neighborhood. I spent it there, on the streets of New York. My greetings to all the good people of the United States of America.We love the United States of America. For the United States what we have is love. LOVE,” Maduro said this Friday in his sudden outburst of love toward “the empire.”

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