The Cuban regime, which monopolizes the country's media, has gone out of its way in the last few hours to create an “opinion matrix” in which to fit the murder ofZinadine Zidan Batista Álvarez, the 17-year-old teenager killed by shots from the National Revolutionary Police (PNR) in Santa Clara.
Events like the one that tragically cost the life of Batista Álvarez are “daily bread in neighborhoods of any other country,” said journalists paid by the regime in the program “Chapeando bajito,” published as a podcast in the official media.Cubadebate.
The intention of the program's commentators was clear: to minimize the seriousness of the incident, exonerate the repressors of the Cuban regime and equate their violence to that deployed by the police of other countries, especially the United States and others in the Latin American region.
“What happened in El Condado is common in neighborhoods in any other country on our continent and in the rest of the world, but especially in the United States., where there have been real massacres with the participation of the police," he said.Arleen Rodríguez Derivet in the pages of the aforementioned medium.
According to the well-known spokesperson for the regime, “due to a violent confrontation between neighbors, the police intervened and the confrontation between armed criminals and the police left a neighbor with a knife dead and a police officer injured.”
“How did they tell it, from the outside, on the networks?” asked Rodríguez Derivet. “Like the murder of a young black man at the hands of the Police. And yes, the videos left the neighborhood, but not with the vision of their neighbors, but with that of one of the most aggressive haters of the media war against Cuba," the journalist added against all evidence, sinceThe videos published on social networks clearly show how the last minutes of the life of the 17-year-old teenager passed, mortally wounded, handcuffed and beaten on public roads..
But “Chapeando bajito” is a program that aims to “prevent lies from conquering minds and hearts, so that no fake news sneaks in.” And as such, he leaves journalism and facts aside, to entrench himself in the single discourse and “the truth” of the so-called “revolution.”
According to the analystReinier Duardo, a participant in the “chapea”, the last "4 or 5" deaths in Cuba by the police were in self-defense. He says it, all the official media say it, the prosecutor's office, the courts, the Party, the Palace of the Revolution and even the wandering spirit of Santa Ifigenia, who does not achieve peace in times of "continuity."
Faced with the “only truth” and the “single discourse” of power in Cuba, Cuban civil society organizes to question that narrative. This Tuesday,the Justice 11J platform revealed that in the last two years in CubaAt least 11 people have suffered extrajudicial executions or injuries from gunshots at the hands of PNR officers.
Most of the cases, according to the platform, are related to Cubans who participated inthe 11J protests and the rest were facts documented by the independent press, without the authorities offering clear statements on the matter.
"We denounce this unpunished behavior of the repressive forces, and we recommend that the international community pay special attention to this pattern, with a marked racial profile," indicated Justicia 11J on its social networks.
Among those included in the platform's list, Justicia 11J highlighted the death ofDiubis Laurencio Tejeda, in the Havana neighborhood of La Güinera, the only fatality officially recognized by the Cuban authorities,dead from a gunshot allegedly fired behind his back.
Likewise, platform activistsThey remembered the death of Christian Barrera Díaz, a native of Cárdenas, Matanzas, after trying to leave the country illegally, in the context of the repression of protests, also recognized by the authorities.
Additionally, they included in their listYorlandis Pérez Sánchez, Ruben Perez Aldana andYoel Misael Fuentes García (16 years old), in La Güinera, Havana, as victims of PNR shooting. In Cárdenas, Matanzas, they rememberedJosé Carlos Hernández Barrio (21), who was shot during the repression of the 11J protests, likeDaniel Joel Cardenas, who was shot by officers of the Black Berets of the MININT during an arrest that was recorded by his wifeMarbelis Vazquez.
Cases of police violence occur in almost all countries in the world, but the separation of powers, freedom of the press, the cameras that most officers wear in their uniforms, and the freedom of expression and demonstration that empowers citizens end for representing an unknown counterpower for Cubans who see cases of police violence and actions contrary to the law of their uniformed personnel occur with total impunity.
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