Uruguay condemns violation of human rights in Cuba at the OAS

Like Venezuela and Nicaragua, Cuba violates the human rights of its citizens and restricts their freedoms.

Represión en Cuba © Twitter / @CNN_Oppmann
Repression in Cuba Photo © Twitter / @CNN_Oppmann

This article is from 1 year ago

The government of Uruguay condemned before theOrganization of American States(OAS) to the government of Cuba for its indifference to citizens who ask for freedom and respect for human rights.

"The situation in Cuba remains unchanged (sic) and its government is indifferent to the legitimate demands of its people for more freedom and respect for human rights," declared during the OAS General Assembly the Vice Chancellor of Foreign Affairs of Uruguay, Carolina Ache Batlle.

During her speech, the government representative also criticizedthe situation of vulnerability suffered by citizens of other countries in the area such as Venezuela and Nicaragua, political and economic allies of Cuba, victims of totalitarian and undemocratic regimes.

"What is happening in these countries is contrary to the deepest values and traditions of our hemisphere. The current circumstances at the international level demand effective responses. The government of Uruguay prioritizes, today and always, the strengthening of the inter-American system and hemispheric multilateralism. We are convinced that the actions of the OAS are key," he emphasized.

Finally, Ache Batlle committed to ensuring that his country continues to be a committed, respectful partner, with a willingness to dialogue and work.

Between October 5 and 7, the 52nd period of sessions of the OAS General Assembly took place in Lima, Peru, with the motto “Together against inequality and discrimination.”

The OAS is made up of 35 countries, including Cuba, after in June 2009 the Foreign Ministers of the Americas adopted a resolution by which a 1962 agreement to exclude the country from the inter-American system was annulled.

Despite this, the Cuban government has reiterated its intentions not to join the international organization.

"Cuba does not need the OAS. It does not want it even reformed. We will never return to that old mansion in Washington, witness to so many purchased shames and so many humiliations," said an editorial published in 2009 by the Granma newspaper, the official organ of the communist party.

Carolina Ache Batlle (1980) is a Uruguayan lawyer and politician, belonging to the Colorado Party. She currently serves as Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, a position she accepted in March 2020.

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