They denounce poor condition of textbooks for the new school year in Cuba

The 2022-2023 school year began in Cuba on November 28 and many children do not even have the uniform to go to school.

Libros de material escolar en Cuba © Facebook Raisa Velázquez
School material books in Cuba Photo © Facebook Raisa Velázquez

This article is from 1 year ago

ACuban mother denounced the poor state of textbooks in Cuba and showed how children must go to school withbroken books.

On November 28, the 2022-2023 school year began in Cuba. In many places thechildren did not have their uniforms available, nor his books, nor the rest of the school material. However, the rulerMiguel Diaz-Canel He said that it was a day of "victory and happiness".

Facebook Raisa Velázquez

A Cuban mother who identifies herself on Facebook asRaisa Velázquez, reacted to the president's statements and shared images of thebooks you have to study with his daughter.

Facebook Raisa Velázquez

"I wonder:What happiness, what victory? Where is the progress? Look at the books that were given to my daughter who started her sixth grade today. How can they celebrate that they built a new school because the hurricane knocked it down? When there are thousands of schools throughout the country falling into pieces," said the Cuban mother.

Facebook Raisa Velázquez

He pointed out that the State allocates resources to tourism, but is unable to print the study books that Cuban children require.

"They are not ashamed that they do not have raw materials to print new books each school year and they are using books from a thousand years ago. But to build hotels there is a budget and resources, to buy patrol cars, cars for tourism and to repress there are resources "Velazquez said.

Facebook Raisa Velázquez

"It makes me sad to see how we endure silently, how we sit idly by and do nothing while those who ask to resist have everything, they lack nothing. Their children do not undergo military service and study outside this country. Those who They are already men and women who have more than fulfilled their lives with their private businesses where they invest and launder all the money they steal from the people," he concluded.

Facebook Raisa Velázquez

In September the Cuban government said thatThey did not have resources for printing textbooks of the different levels of education in the country. They blamed the economic crisis and the US embargo.

In territories like Sancti Spíritus, there are educational centers whereseveral students have to share a book. Teachers have to make up for the lack of the material base for study with differentiated attention.

Furthermore, the textbooks in Cuban schools are so old that they affect the "educational improvement process", since somecontents are obsolete.

The 2022-2023 academic year also startedno school uniforms in many territories of the country. The notable deficit is due to the fact that the uniforms are still in production. The authorities announced that the production process must conclude in the first half of December.

The official press said that in provinces like Holguín, theraw materials have not been the problem in the brake on the production of uniforms, but "thecontinuous effects on electrical service, since the manufacturing units do not have generating sets."

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