In the United States, Cuban disco star Yarelis Barrios

Exclusively for CiberCuba, the "Bronze Effigy" of Cuban athletics, discus thrower Yarelis Barrios, offers her first statements after her arrival in the United States.

Yarelis Barrios © Vanguardia
Yarelis Barrios Photo © Vanguardia

This article is from 1 year ago

Yarelis Barrios, talented Cuban discus thrower, is located in the state of Kentucky, southeastern United States, after carrying out a10-day crossing from departure from Havana via Santo Domingo and Nicaragua.

Exclusively forCyberCuba, the "Bronze Effigy" of Cuban athletics offers his first statements after crossing the border.Its entry into US soil was through Piedras Negras, Mexico..

Oh, my July! I made the decision to leave, because the situation was truly unsustainable, were his initial words. AfterYipsi Moreno was replaced, I stayed and talked with the new commissionerRolando Charró Estrada, who initially accepted my plans with a view to improving Cuban athletics.

You know that Yipsi and I had tried to guide the training plans towards the athletes' comfort, we wanted the environment to change, but none of that was possible. Since 2017 I was fighting alongside her but, incredibly, I was not made official as a methodologist until 2021, after a thousand requests made by Yipsi.

With the arrival of a new commissioner, some technicians and athletes who had left returned, and in this wayI was relegated.

I have always been loyal and I told Charró Estrada that I was willing to set foot on land with him, to work all the hours that were necessary, but that what Yipsi and I did I would not share. That we would start from scratch. He put me to work on the well-known "for potential", Wow, the list of technicians who could go to work abroad. That was not with the athletes, it was a bureaucratic task for which I am not good.

I was working until October and then I requested my accumulated vacation, which was a lot, because with Yipsi I didn't rest.

So something I had thought about...emigrate (although it was not necessarily for the United States) gained strength and together with my current husband, the throwing coachAdrian Ramirez and my eight year old little girl,Ivana Regla Valdes, we took the path of dreams, and the most viable thing was this great country where I am.

Yarelis with her husband and daughter. Photo: Courtesy ofCyberCuba

What do you plan to do?

For now,what every emigrant does: work on whatever appears. As long as we don't have papers, documents, we will do whatever comes. The girl can join school now and will gradually learn English.

Where they live?

At the house of my godmother's grandson, Roberto Pujadas, who from Cuba gave us all the trust and support, and to whom we are very grateful. We live in the city of Louisville, state of Kentucky.

The "Bronze Effigy" starred in performances that are very difficult to match, especially in the decadent situation of our field and track:bronze medal in London 2012; four-time world medalist; two, Pan American champion; and two, leader of the Diamond League. Personal mark of 68 meters 3 centimeters.

You know I wasOlympic runner-up in Beijing 2008 and that they took my medal from me eight years later for aalleged doping con acetazolamida, substance that I didn't even know existed.

I do not want to remember the terrifying moments experienced in the Council of State whenJose Ramon Fernandez, then president ofCuban Olympic Committee, he wanted to force me to plead guilty and I, knowing my innocence, repeated to him a thousand times that I would not do it because it was not fair.

They took that silver medal from me in 2016., like I told you, eight years later.I was not defended properly. I even explain to you thatAlberto Juantorena andJorge Luis Aguilera They wanted to help me by notifying me about another claim and through the mediation of a Spanish friend I managed to make said claim to the International Federation, depositing a thousand euros, which was never successful, not even anyone else knew about that money.

And now they come to tell me that I am not an example for the new generations of athletes, when you do know how much I worked to improve the lives of all of them. It was easyblame me for false doping, and without defense, since the lawyer who went with me to Lausanne, Switzerland, headquarters of the International Olympic Committee, was lacking sufficient weapons for my defense. I have that burden on me and I really couldn't take it anymore, although I was never sanctioned. Tell me, how do you explain that?

To all this, add the situation of the country, and you will realize thatThe best thing we did was flee our beloved Cuba.

Yarelis Barrios gave us many moments of glory. I am convinced that many more await her, because her perseverance and iron will to do things will place her at the top of the podium of her life..

What do you think?


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Julita Osendi

Graduated in Journalism from the University of Havana in 1977. Journalist, sports commentator, announcer and director of more than 80 documentaries and special reports. Among my most relevant journalistic coverage are 6 Olympic Games, 6 World Athletics Championships, 3 Classics

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Julita Osendi

Julita Osendi

Graduated in Journalism from the University of Havana in 1977. Journalist, sports commentator, announcer and director of more than 80 documentaries and special reports. Among my most relevant journalistic coverage are 6 Olympic Games, 6 World Athletics Championships, 3 Classics