Case of animal and child abuse mobilizes residents of Havana neighborhood

Made up of three generations of women (grandmother, mother and daughter), the family allegedly committed abuse against previous pets. In addition, the constant fights and physical attacks between the older girls would be affecting the psychological health of the minor.

La madre y la abuela discuten en presencia de la menor © Facebook / Valia Rodríguez
The mother and grandmother argue in the presence of the minor Photo © Facebook / Valia Rodríguez

This article is from 1 year ago

The case of a Havana family that, according to neighbors, commitsanimal abuse It ischildren's, led to a collective complaint to the authorities, who went to the home, but were unable to carry out any action to put an end to the situation.

Tired of a situation that they say is repeated, the residents of a building in the Playa municipality went to the authorities to denounce once again the abuse to which a girl and her pet are subjected, a puppy that would allegedly suffer at the hands of the minor herself. age.

Screenshot Facebook / Valia Rodríguez (fragment)

The family, made up of three generations of women (grandmother, mother and daughter), would have committed abuse against previous pets, according to neighbors. On this occasion, the victim would be a puppy dog. In addition, the constant fights and physical attacks between the grandmother and the mother would be affecting the psychological health of the minor.

“I attach three documents that the protectors sent me. They are complaints written and signed by the neighbors of the building, who can no longer endure living with this highly dysfunctional family, and show great concern for the mental and physical state of the little girl," said user Valia Rodríguez in a post from the group. From Facebook'Cuba against Animal Abuse'.

In her post, the animal activist shared a long text in which one of the neighbors describes the situation of this family, which she describes as “dysfunctional,” and regrets the authorities' lack of ability to maneuver to solve the problem.

“The police do not respond to calls from neighbors because they know the situation of constant fights between the two women,” lamented the author of the publication. According to him, the situation has been reported since March 4, 2022, but it has not been until now that all the competent authorities related to the case have intervened.

The neighbors' latest complaint was motivated by concern to “save the girl and prevent her from continuing to torture and kill animals.” According to the testimony of the complainant, the minor would suffer from autism spectrum disorders that could be aggravated by her behavior and the violence of the family environment, of which there would be testimonies and videos from neighbors.

According to the complainant, the family has “a long history of domestic violence, child abuse and animal abuse,” which would include charges for public disorder and judicial prison sentences (two years) for the crime of “assault.” This editorial team was unable to contrast these alleged antecedents.

Apparently, the girl had already caused the death of two cats and a dog. “A second dog was already removed from her in a rather complicated previous operation,” says the complainant, who assures that the grandmother and mother engage in frequent and violent altercations in the presence of the minor, who screams in terror and flees from her elders.

Given the repeated complaints, on Wednesday, January 18, “the head of the Playa Veterinary Delegation representing Animal Health, accompanied by the head of the Sector, members of the PNR, the doctor who treats the family, “appeared at this family's home.” the Health area and other authorities.

After a tense exchange with the adults in the family, the authorities reminded them that if they did not correct their behavior, they could take away the pet, as well as custody of the minor, a decision that would have the endorsement of the family doctor. , but which requires more complex intervention protocols endorsed by the National Prosecutor's Office and other instances.

Likewise, they drew up a record of what happened and "it was determined that a commission will be organized to evaluate the state of health of them, the animal and mainly take the case to the Prosecutor's Office with respect to the minor."

According to the complainant, due to ignorance of Decree-Law 31 on Animal Welfare and insecurity in the face of a potentially explosive situation, the operation was not carried out to its final consequences. “Everything remained as it was,” he indicated, while claiming to have reported the case to the “National Prosecutor's Office through the number of the Prosecutor on Duty and I was assured that a response would be given.”

“I am waiting for it,” said the complainant, while expressing her astonishment that “in the heart of our society the existence of such a story is ignored, in which three beings live below the human condition without receiving attention from the “instances whose role is, precisely, to intervene and take action in phenomena like this.”

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