Law on property, possession and use of land in Cuba is being prepared

The deadline to comment on the structure of the content is only until February 20.

Productor cubano © Granma
Cuban producer Photo © Granma

This article is from 1 year ago

The Cuban government is preparing a law on the property, possession and use of land in Cuba, to reform the current agrarian legislation.

"With the aim of promoting responsible governance over land and contributing to food and nutritional sovereignty and security, the Ministry of Agriculture is working on updating the legal norms that regulate the ownership, possession and use of agricultural land. and forestry, by all the economic actors in the country," said theplace of the Ministry of Agriculture.

According to the scheme proposed on the page, the points that the legislation will contemplate will be the sustainable use of land, forms of land ownership for agricultural activity, the transmission of ownership over the land, the delivery of areas in usufruct, among others. .

For its preparation, a Temporary Working Group was established, chaired by the Minister of Agriculture, which evaluates the background and main problems, as well as the "policy proposals" that will lead to the approval of the future Land Law of Cuba. , included in the Legislative Schedule for the next legislature.

With the aim of renewing the reform of the current agrarian legislation, which they plan to carry out through "participatory activities, with a gender and generational focus and articulate institutional efforts for the adequate implementation of what is proposed", the government convened the "agrarian subjects , owners and usufructuaries of land and others linked to food production, as well as Cuban civil society" to build the contents and legal precepts that must regulate the law.

The statement from the Ministry of Agriculture stated that the deadline to comment on the structure of the content is only until February 20.

In its structure, the government only refers to the titles of the chapters and sections only, and requests that proposals, with criteria for addition, deletion, modification or comments, be sent to the entity's email.

However, although they state that the opinions on the outline of the law seek citizen participation and transparency in information, there is no information about the content and the points that will be outlined within each section.

In the Draft Bill, which will be submitted for consultation, the issues related to the regime of property, possession andinheritance of the land, which are regulated by the current Decree-Law 125 of 1991, the delivery of idle state lands in usufruct, contemplated in Decree-Law No. 358 of April 9, 2018 and its Regulations Decree No. 350 of June 29, 2018.

Land ownership in Cuba has been a worrying issue in recent times. Many farmers who have askedhectares in usufruct to work have regretted it due to the government's bureaucratic obstacles and the increase in production costs.

Others suffer delays in their processes for granting land or collecting inheritance in a constant violation of their property rights.

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