DeSantis proposes tax exemption for gas stoves

The proposal responds to a federal regulator's suggestion to ban them for polluting the environment.

DeSantis propone quitar impuestos a estufas de gas. © Captura Twitter/Ron DeSantis
DeSantis proposes removing taxes on gas stoves. Photo © Capture Twitter/Ron DeSantis

This article is from 1 year ago

The governor ofFlorida, Ron DeSantis, proposed exemption fromtaxes to gas stoves, following criticism from a federal regulator that they should be banned for emitting pollutantsenvironment, according to statements to the local press.

"They want to control every single aspect of your life," DeSantis said of the federal suggestion at a press conference this past Thursday on rural Internet access in Milton, Florida.

He also commented that "this is all part of a broader plan, so in the state of Florida we are saying: 'Don't step on us in this.'"

"They want their gas stove, and we're not going to let that happen," DeSantis said in direct response to the recent suggestion to ban them by US Consumer Product Safety Commission member Richard Trumka Jr. during an interview withBloomberg New, at the beginning of January.

He also talked about the tax exemption that he included in the so-called "Framework for Freedom" budget, presented last week, which also proposes eliminating the sales tax on baby items, such as diapers, and over-the-counter medicines for pets.

According to the aforementioned media, around 40% of American homes have stoves powered by natural gas.

The Environmental Protection Agency and the World Health Organization warn that these emit pollutants such as carbon monoxide and fine particles at levels considered unsafe and that these particles are related to respiratory diseases, cancer and other health problems.

Last October, Consumer Reports also urged consumers considering purchasing a new stove to consider purchasing an electric stove, since gas stoves emit high levels of nitrogen oxide gases.

A study published in 2022 in the journalInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health revealed that more than 12% of current childhood asthma cases in the United States can be attributed to the use of gas stoves.

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