Cuban wins the award for best star at the Uruguayan carnival

The Cuban, candombe dancer and choreographer, paraded and danced in front of the Afrocan troupe.

This article is from 1 year ago

Yaima Lazara Rodriguez FernandezShe won the award for best star in the Parade of Calls of the Uruguayan carnival, held on the second weekend of February.

The Cuban, candombe dancer and choreographer, paraded and danced in front of theAfrocan appearancewith a striking yellow suit and in front of thousands of people who gathered on Isla de Flores Street, in Montevideo, to witness the spectacle, according to thePress media.

Capture of Facebook / Comparsa Lubola Urafrica

Between Friday, February 10 and Saturday, February 11, 45 troupes competed and toured Isla de Flores Street, from Zelmar Michelini to Minas, in one of the largest popular celebrations in the country, which this year was named in honor of the painter's centenary. and sculptor Carlos Páez Vilaró.

Although the Afrocan troupe, in which the Cuban paraded, came in number nine, the dancer emerged as the best star for excellence in dance and her image, according to the evaluating jury that considers dances, movements, design and the aesthetic realization to confer this recognition.

The Llamadas Parade is one of the largest popular festivals in Uruguay, in which troupes from all over the country compete and walk the streets with music and dance.

A total of 45 troupes competed in the carnival and marched to the rhythm of candombe, a manifestation of popular music that has its origins in Africa and is distinguished by the sound of drums.

This festival isdates back to the 19th centuryand they usually happen during Christian Lent.

The presence ofCubans in Uruguay It is increasingly noticeable as it grows and establishes itself. Thousands of Cubans arrive every year to settle in that country where they have stopped being a community in transit to settle in the territory.

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