Chyno Miranda's mother warns Nacho after the reunion with her son: "Don't get ready for that"

The lady talked about a supposed show that Chyno and Nacho were planning and with which she would not agree.

Chino y Nacho y la señora Alcira Pérez, madre de Chyno Miranda © Instagram / Chino y Nacho, Alcira Pérez
Chino and Nacho and Mrs. Alcira Pérez, mother of Chyno Miranda Photo © Instagram / Chino y Nacho, Alcira Pérez

This article is from 1 year ago

The fans ofChyno Miranda and Nacho Mendoza They were very happy to see them reunited again. The two membersof the iconic Venezuelan duo reunited at the El Cedral Clinic where Chyno has been admitted for a few months. But despite the emotion that his meeting caused among his followers, that was not the reaction of the Venezuelan singer's mother.Alcira Perez.

The woman reacted to the photo in a video that she uploaded to social networks where she expressed the concern she feels for her son, to whom she addresses directly.

"I talked to you at the clinic and we talked about the show and I told you that you were not prepared for a show like that. You got upset with me and I insisted that you can't do it because you're not ready yet. You're not in a position for that, you got upset every time he said it," said Chyno Miranda's mother, revealing that her son and Nacho were planning to do a show to be able to pay for his stay at the clinic.

We remember that the woman does not agree with her son being in that center, to which he was transferred by court order. "I am aware that when he leaves [Cedral] with Astrid he consumes medicinal marijuana," said Alcira Pérez, who commented that she has evidence of this. Some accusations thatIt is not the first time that he has poured out on his son's current partner.

In the same video he also took the opportunity to send a message to Nacho. "Don't be prepared for that, I think that if your mother were in that case, be completely sure that she would be sitting here asking Jesus not to be prepared for that."

The artist's mother assured that the only thing that matters to her is her son's health. "He is a human being, not a producer," he said.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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