Reggaeton player El Gladiador asks for justice for the deplorable state of cemeteries in Cuba

"Your family and mine can be here," denounced the reggaeton player.

This article is from 1 year ago

The reggaeton player known as The gladiator, who resides in the United States, recently traveled to Cuba and showed the conditions in which found some human remains piled in a cemetery of the island.

“Your family and mine can be here, I ask for justice. Share this video so that fucking justice is done...”, the Cuban singer, whose real name is Jesús Alain Hernández, wrote on Instagram.

“We are right now in the cemetery and you are looking, those are people's heads. That's a lack of respect. So that you can see the kind of audacity that exists in this country,” added El Gladiador in reference to a group of skulls and other bones that he saw.

“This is not invented, I am in the cemetery right now. “Watch this movie”concluded the singer, who took the opportunity to ask for freedom for Cuba and for political prisoners.

Although El Gladiador did not initially indicate in which cemetery he discovered the unpleasant images, in the comments section of his publication He specified that they belong to the Colón cemetery in Havana, the largest and most important in the country.

“Painful,” “How sad!”, “What a lack of respect!”, “Nothing is respected in Cuba,” commented several Internet users dismayed by the images.

There was also no shortage of people to point out that These remains are from the "common grave", of bodies that were not claimed by any family., something that numerous users agreed to point out that It is no excuse for them to be in those conditions.

In recent years, complaints have abounded about the deplorable state of cemeteries throughout the country, as well as the theft of human remains of these facilities for primarily religious purposes.

The list of problems that affect Cuban cemeteries includes: theft of funeral objects, theft of flowers, weeding of the areas, presence of remains of coffins, accumulation of garbage and shortage of cement to properly close the niches; among others.

In recent days, the official newspaper Newspaper 26 denounced robberies and desecration of graves in the Las Tunas cemetery.

A month earlier, in January, a newspaper report Giron He also complained theft of human bones in the Matanzas cemetery.

According to previous complaints, in the Ciego de Ávila cemetery, rudimentary and unhygienic exhumations. Also in poor condition is the Velasco cemetery, in the province of Holguín.

The situation is also evident in the Colón Cemetery, which presents a general deterioration and it does not escape robberies, looting and bad smells, according to relatives of the deceased and employees of the main necropolis of the island, declared a National Monument in 1987.

The Cuban government admitted in 2018 that The more than 800 cemeteries in the country were collapsed.

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