Jacqueline Arenal, Osvaldo Doimeadiós, Laura de la Uz and Caleb Casas premiere a play

“The Upstairs Neighbors” is the title of this comedy by Argos Teatro directed by Caleb Casas.

Parte del equipo de la puesta en escena "Los vecinos de arriba" © Instagram / Caleb Casas
Part of the staging team "The Neighbors Upstairs" Photo © Instagram / Caleb Casas

This article is from 1 year ago

Jacqueline Arenal, Osvaldo Doimeadiós, Laura de la Uz and Caleb Casas are part of the cast of the new staging ofArgos Theater, which will premiere next March 18.

The neighbors upstairs is the title of this comedy, directed byCaleb Casas, and in which Eduardo Martínez and Carlos Luis González also perform, who will alternate withDomedios and Caleb in the same characters.

Performances will be every Friday and Saturday at 8:30 p.m. and Sundays at 5:00 p.m. until next April 16, at the theater group's headquarters in Havana.

On your Instagram profileJacqueline Arenal echoed the announcement: “On your marks, set, go! With that fear between rich and terrifying, we throw ourselves into the ring this Saturday, March 18.The neighbors upstairs on the respected stage of Argos Teatro, a magical space of my admiredCarlos Celdran”.

The actress assured that for this play “the journey has been delicious because we are protected by a great text and a simply wonderful team,” in addition to the fact that it has been an “immense gift to share a cast with these extraordinary actors and human beings who have accompanied me in this “a process full of enjoyment, learning and unconditional support.”

Laura from Uz He also published the promotional poster for the play on his Instagram and, between nerves and great enthusiasm, told his followers that “it has been a very fun, enriching, challenging and honest process, as only theater can be. I dreamed of one day entering Argos Teatro with the help of Carlos Celdrán, but life made me enter that temple of Cuban theater, with the help of his disciple Caleb Casas.”

The comedy, written by Cesc Gay and Daniel López, promises a lot of fun and without a doubt a cast of first-class artists.

Tickets will be on sale the same day of each performance, Fridays and Saturdays at 5:00 p.m. and from 3:30 p.m. Sundays.

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Deneb González

Editor of CiberCuba Entertainment

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