The Cuban activistDiasniurka Salcedo denounced the strong repression that State Security has been exerting on her for several days and declared thatHe will not leave Cuba without his children.
"The regime told me: 'Either you leave the country or you are going to serve a sanction.' I have not committed any crime. (...) I know that I am not the first nor will I be the last to whom these things happen. They gave me a term of 90 days and I told them thatI am not leaving Cuba without my children"Diasniurka said in a live broadcast on Facebook.
She explained that her children are not her biological children but, although she gave birth to them, she recognizes them as her children and will not leave them behind, especially in the current situation of helplessness that the people of Cuba are experiencing.
"I'm not going to leave them behind because I am not going to allow them to go to a children's home without filial protection to be indoctrinated," he commented.
In his broadcast he indicated that his biological children died in Cuba due to lack of medicine.
"I lost my first children and I know what it feels like. Therefore,I'm not going to lose them again, because I did not give birth to these but they are my children. I don't question anyone who left due to pressure, leaving their family behind, but they know what they suffer," this Cuban mother commented moved.
Diasniurka explained that during the national elections this Sunday, State Security kept her under surveillance. He commented that he has no friends, that he hasyears living under continuous repression.
"I also have a family, I am also a human being and I do not accept that they come to tell me privately 'Don't leave'. Nobody knows what each person is capable of enduring. I have been resisting for years. It seems selfish to me that someone comes to tell me what I have to do," he commented.
Diasniurka denounced that he isprisoner in his own house, has three cell phone lines and the regime blocks them all, she cannot leave her house alone because they have tried to run over her on more than one occasion and yet she continues to denounce the arbitrariness of State Security in Cuba.
"My children have been imprisoned with me inside this house for years, without being able to get out. They don't even know what a park is, I have never been able to enjoy my children in a park. Their only fun is watching the birds or inventing games on the farm because They cannot go outside the gate. No one can question what does not live," she said, visibly sad and hurt.
The activist lives in Alquízar, Artemisa province. She became well known on Cuban social networks after supporting people who are in critical situations of poverty in her community and after offering her support to political prisoners and other human rights activists in Cuba.
On his social networks he has a critical discourse against the regime and denounces the government's arbitrariness, which is why he has suffered repression from State Security on numerous occasions.
In October 2022, State Security notified Diasniurka about a possibleeight-year sentence for “insult to national symbols” and “incitement to commit a crime.” The activist could be imprisoned if she does not leave the island within the deadline that the regime has imposed on her.
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