Seidy The Girlis premiering this Friday, and once again he has left the cast aside to conquer the hearts of his fans with one of those songs that touches the soul.
“When everything is over,” the title of the song, speaks of that love that lasts even with the passing of years, when physical beauty becomes a mere memory.
Along with a photo of two elderly people with a gesture of infinite affection, the Cuban singer announced the launch of this new single on her Instagram.
As his fans are already accustomed to, he also uploaded videos singing some fragments to his networks.
The song was accompanied by a video clip that is pure tenderness with a couple of grandparents as the protagonists.
“When everything is over, when my feet fail / When my face wrinkles, if you are still going to love me / When everything is over and nightfall comes / I want you to never forget me because I will always be here,” says the chorus .
Although with this new musical release he moves far away from that casual rhythmto which his fans are accustomed, it is not the first time that he brings out his romantic side and makes his fans fall in love with him, since last February,For the Day of Love, he premiered “Tattoo”.
Seidy achieved a lot of popularity with “Mulatica”, a song with which he swept everyone on social networks.
At the beginning of April the singer returned with another premiere that was pure fire,“More bitchy than pretty”, and many wondered if it was some hint to The Goddess due to the discrepancies that have existed between the two.
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