Mass fight at a Cuban gas station to buy fuel

The unpleasant incident took place at a CUPET service center in the province of Holguín.

A group of Cubans came to blows while queuing to buy fuel at the CUPET Los Columnas service center, located on the Central Highway, on the outskirts ofHolguin.

Images spread on social networks show the moment when at least half a dozen people begin to fight while dozens of drivers waiting next to their vehicles to buy fuel look on.

The video shows the intervention of several members of the Prevention Troops of the Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR), also known as "red berets", who helped separate the contenders.

The exact cause of the fight, which broke out at dusk on Saturday or Sunday last weekend, is unknown.

"Look what necessity brings...!"; "Down with communism, damn...!" Two witnesses to the unpleasant scene are heard shouting.

In recent weeks thefuel shortage in Cuba has become unsustainable.

The authorities ofVilla Clara They announced last Saturday thesuspension of the sale ofcombustible to individuals for not having the necessary availability, and they specified that it is only possible to guarantee the basic services of the population in that province.

At the same time, the Villa Clara University of Medical Sciences and other higher education centers in the country announced thatreorganize teaching processesnon-face-to-face because students and teachers cannot normally attend their classes due to fuel shortages.

A few days ago, Miguel Díaz-Canel admitted that the governmentIt is not clear how it will emerge from the serious energy crisis that hits the country.

The president attributed the current shortage to the failure to comply with agreements by countries with commitments to supply gasoline to Cuba, which "have also been in a complex energy situation and have not been able to fulfill those commitments."

According to Díaz-Canel, of between 500 and 600 tons of gasoline that the country consumes daily,The current coverage is less than 400 tons per day for all activities.

In the midst of the country's most serious energy crisis in a decade, the Havana governmentlimited the sale of fuel per vehicle in recent days in the service centers of the country's capital.

The Minister of Energy and Mines,Vicente de la O Levy, justified such reduction and said that in the complex scenario that the country is going through "the decision was made to distribute reduced quantities compared to the normal consumption of a day, to avoid reaching the minimum of capacities and maintain vital services for the population and the economy".

Regarding the prospects, the minister added that the Cuban authorities have already established contact with international suppliers and negotiations are underway to reverse the current deficit.

Cuba consumes8.3 million tons of fuels each year, and only insures 39% with its national production.

The queues at gas stations in the country They keep the Cuban drivers in suspense, and not even the drivers escape the bad times.tourists who visit the island.

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