A woman piloted the flight that made an emergency landing in Matanzas

The Cuban media highlighted the expertise of Earks, who managed to resolve the situation and get the passengers and crew to safety.

Capitana Vicky Earks © Gobierno Provincial de Matanzas / Facebook
Capitana Vicky Earks Photo © Provincial Government of Matanzas / Facebook

A woman commandedSunwing airline flight 307 which this Wednesday had to make an emergency landing at the Juan Gualberto Gómez International Airport in Matanzas, after presenting a failure in the taxiing system.

This is Vicky Earks, the captain of the Boeing that minutes before had left the Cuban city of Santa Clara heading to Canada, but in the middle of the flight there was a failure in the taxiing system that forced the expert to land at the air terminal in Varadero, reported the "Provincial Government of Popular Power in Matanzas" on Facebook.

The Cuban mediaThey highlighted Earks' expertise, who managed to resolve the situation and get the passengers and crew to safety.

Provincial government of Matanzas.Facebook

The Cuban airport recognized the captain with a painting by a national painter, which she thanked from the landing strip.

The plane left this afternoon for Canada but "had problems with one of the tires when taking off from the Santa Clara airport" and was carrying 190 passengers, including 13 children, who are fine, according to official information.

Provincial government of Matanzas inFacebook

Immediately Earkswith declared an emergency and after the protocols for the case were activated at the Juan Gualberto Gómez airport, it managed to land without major problems, the Cuban authorities detailed.

The terminal's medical staff managed to treat all staff.

Publication inFacebook

Sunwing belongs to the company Sunwing Travel Group, based in Toronto, which is in charge of managing all of the hotels inSouth Key Largo, thanks to a concession granted by the Cuban government.

The Havana regime and that international consortium signed an agreement for the Gran Caribe business group and the Blue Diamond Resorts hotel chain to assume joint management of all hotel facilities, with 1,348 rooms, and non-hotel facilities in Cayo Largo del Sur, for 10 years, and rebranding Blue Diamond-flagged accommodations, including Grand Memories, Sanctuary at Grand Memories, Memories and Starfish.

In July 2022, it was learned that this company also obtained an import license from the regime that allows it to directly control what is entered into that tourist destination.

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