Wantsend money to Cuba quickly and safely? TheCubatel app It is the solution you are looking for! It arrives quickly and safely, directly to your family member's MiTransfer Bag on the island.
The minimum money transfer amount is $50. Users in Cuba can receive it in one business day. And best of all... You don't need a bank card to receive the money!
What is the MiTransfer Bag?
The MiTransfer Bag is a virtual wallet linked to a mobile phone number in Cuba. You can have up to two associated accounts, one in dollars (USD) and another in national currency (CUP).
The CUP account allows you to make payments for ETECSA services, such as the Nauta Hogar fee, mobile recharges and telephone bills; and the USD account is used so that your family member in Cuba can recharge their mobile phone with international promotions, buy Nauta Plus and purchase products and services in stores that accept this form of payment.
The banking authorities assure that it is a safe and reliable electronic channel with which you cansend money to Cuba to buy online or in physical stores that accept this form of payment.
Can the MiTransfer Bag be recharged from outside?
Yes, the MiTransfer Exchange USD account is recharged from abroad through platforms such asCubatel.
This option is ideal if you needsend money to Cuba for your loved ones, quickly, safely and without the need for them to have a bank card.
How to send money to Cuba through Cubatel to the MiTransfer Exchange?
TheCubatel application has an option calledRemittances. There you must select as the destination the telephone number of the person you want to receive the money in Cuba.
The remittance is deposited into your MiTransfer Exchange USD account. For everything to work correctly, it is essential that your family member in Cuba has theTransfermobile application on your phone and activate the MiTransfer Bag to receive the remittance.
What is needed to send dollars to the MiTransfer Exchange in Cuba?
This option withCubatel, at the moment, is only active if you are in Florida, United States. You must have installed on your phoneCubatel app and have your current identification document, whether it is the passport from your country of origin or one issued in the United States.
By meeting these requirements you already have everything tosend money to Cuba with Cubatel, to the MiTransfer Bag, so that you are always close to the people you love.
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