Iroel Sánchez asked his children to pay the Party fee before he died

Possessed by the spirit of North Korean opera, the journalist who wrote the obituary revealed a fact that – if true – warrants that the propagandist with the “unmistakable name” be called from now on “Maximum embodiment of revolutionary love and camaraderie.” .

Cartel de la ópera norcoreana "Una verdadera hija del Partido" e Iroel Sánchez © Wikipedia - Cubadebate / Ismael Francisco
Poster for the North Korean opera "A True Daughter of the Party" and Iroel Sánchez Photo © Wikipedia - Cubadebate / Ismael Francisco

He died in Havana at the age of 58, but, before leaving this world, the propagandist of the Cuban regimeIroel Sánchez He charged his children to pay the fee.Cuban Communist Party.

“He had an unmistakable name. Nobody was called like him and nobody looked like him. Had he lived until September 12, 2023, he would have turned 59 years old. He left absurdly early, and the worst thing is that we didn't expect it, neither we nor he, whoIn his last hours he asked his children to pay the Party contribution…”, said the journalistRosa Miriam Elizalde on the official websiteCubadebate.

The above constitutes the beginning of the “Words in the farewell mourning of Iroel Sánchez, at the Casa de la Amistad, on May 19, 2023”, written by her colleague and first vice president of the Union of Journalists of Cuba (UPEC). . A text that honors the deceased and his legacy for the island's history of infamy.

Possessed by the spirit of North Korean revolutionary opera, the journalist who wrote Iroel's obituary revealed a fact that – if true – warrants that the propagandist with the “unmistakable name” be called from now on “Maximum embodiment of revolutionary love and the camaraderie.”

It is possible that the anecdote is apocryphal and constitutes an allegory in the stylejucheof Sánchez's tremendous commitment and dedication to the so-called “revolution” and the Communist Party; a coded image for those who identify with that eschatological phrase of"men die, the Party is immortal".

Coined in 1973 byFidel Castro, the phrase in question has been part of the pedestrian indoctrination of the Cuban regime, printed on thousands of posters, adorned with murals at the Ñico López Party school, and the touchstone of every mediocre cadre's speech.

Of the 721 words with which Rosa Miriam said goodbye to the mourning of her friend and comrade, 42 correspond to a quote from Iroel himself, the only ones that despondency allowed her to remember and transmit as paradigmatic of the regime's ideologue.

“Listen, we are not leftists or communists out of generosity, nor out of pity, nor out of compassion, but because before we can take sides for a cause, we make it our own cause, and like Che, we put in the effort to demonstrate our truths.”

This revelation constitutes the zero degree of writing and thought, an insurmountable aporia that abysses itself in the mind of one of the great brainwashers of the Cuban regime, discovering, oh pain!, some fields of solitude and witherness hilled by the that err an Argentine ghost, demonstrative skins and apodictic causes.

What do you think?


Filed in:

Ivan Leon

Graduate in journalism. Master in Diplomacy and RR.II. by the Diplomatic School of Madrid. Master in RR.II. and European Integration by the UAB.

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