Cuban regime evicts Cándido Fabré from his lands in Santiago de Cuba

The land now belongs to another owner, the Ministry of Agriculture told him.

The musician Candide Fabré, defender of the Cuban regime, denounced this Thursday that the Ministry of Agriculture of San Luis "evicted" him from the land he legitimately inherited from his parents in Santiago de Cuba.

In a Facebook livestream, the artist said that he received a notification from that government entity informing him that the land now belonged to another owner, because he does not bear the last name of his biological father.

"This hurts, because I realize that the word eviction does not fit in this country, but they evicted me from something that by history concerns me. By right I am the heir, and I speak of my family, of my brothers, those of us who were born in La Guadalupe. Now they claim that I have no right because I do not have my father's last name in the lands where I was born, where mine were born," he said, showing the document.

Fabré considered that there are many unjust laws that allow the eviction of land historically belonging to his family, although as usual he was careful not to bother the regime with his reproaches: "I am not saying anything that goes against anything or anyone, but I am speaking in favor of truth and justice.".

"It hurts that there are so many unjust laws and there is so little justice. Guadalupe is a territory that I love, the land that my dad and my old Sixta left me in the world, and now it is in the hands of someone who did not award it to them, but he did have the complicity of many who looked for a way to make him the owner," he revealed.

"I see that they have played a big trick on me and I am revealing it so that people know that I am not crying for a land because I am not a farmer, but to sing for that land and for the people of the countryside. They have taken away the right that I have. as the legitimate heir of the land that belonged to my father," he stressed.

At the end of his message he reiterated his support for the Cuban regime. He stated that with this claim he is not becoming an opponent: "I never was, nor am I, nor will I be an opponent, I am an opponent of injustice. Until death I am a defender of my country, no matter what it is, of this revolution, but injustice does not exist." I applaud her," he noted.

Fabré, who states that it is "patrimony popular", has maintained his defense of the Cuban government despite setbacks, and at times seems to have been left in no man's land.

In April he complained that the Musical Recordings and Editions Company (EGREM) had not accepted a project of his for the promotion of Cuban music; and in February he reported that he had been left out of the Salsa Festival in Havana because, according to him, he sang to Fidel Castro.

In April he also dedicated some verses to the rampant inflation in the country, where "even the mangoes are priceless".

The musician wrote a reflection in verse on his Facebook profile, in which he notes that "it hurts to see how every morning/The prices go up and up/even The mangoes that Mother Nature gives us are priceless/Who improves this?/Who / I am from this town / I am Cándido, the son of Sixta and papa Neto".

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