Mike Pence presents his candidacy for US presidency in 2024

Pence's campaign kicks off weeks later than many of his rivals, including Trump and DeSantis, who lead in the polls.

Mike Pence © Wikimedia Commons / Gage Skidmore
Mike Pence Foto © Wikimedia Commons / Gage Skidmore

The former vice president of the United States,Mike Pence, presented this Monday morning the documentation to run for president in 2024, for the Republican Party, according to therecordof the Federal Election Commission.

Pence, who served under Donald Trump, could personally launch his bid for the Republican Party nomination this Wednesday, the same day he turns 64, according to a news release.CNBC.

The former vice president spent more than a decade in the U.S. House of Representatives and was governor of Indiana, establishing himself as a staunch conservative before becoming Trump's running mate in his 2016 presidential campaign.

This movement he directly confronts Trump, whom he served in the White House and who is well ahead of his competitor in the polls.

The former Indiana governor and congressman was an unwaveringly loyal aide to Trump for most of his four-year term, but he distanced himself from his former boss since the Capitol riots American in January 2021.

Pence's campaign kicks off weeks later than many of his rivals, including Trump and DeSantis, who lead in the polls.

It is currently unclear whether the Republican will be able to generate a fund large enough to be able to compete meaningfully with the operations of other contenders, some of whom were flush with money from the start.

Pence, who describes himself as "Christian, conservative and Republican, in that order," is expected to position himself as a continuation of the Trump administration's conservative agenda, without the baggage.

In asurveyIn a recent Quinnipiac University study, 35% of registered Republican voters said they had an unfavorable opinion of Pence, significantly higher than Trump (11%), DeSantis (5%) and the former governor of North Carolina. South Nikki Haley (12%).

Pence has thrown some hints at your old boss on the eve of the launch of his campaign, predicting that there will be "better candidates" than Trump in 2024.

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