Prices for private transportation rise in Cienfuegos

The measure aims to stop the existing inflation in Cuba.

Camión de transporte privado © CiberCuba
Private transport truck Photo © CiberCuba

The government of Cienfuegos capped the prices of transportation for the private sector in that western Cuban province, a measure that for some experts will worsen the inflationary crisis in the country.

After the publication of the Resolution 81/2023 The different means of transportation must charge what is established from the cost sheet established for this purpose.

Engineer Yoani Pedraja Calderín, specialist at the Provincial Transportation Company (EPT), explained that the instructions and model established by the Ministry of Transportation (MITRANS) were taken into account, in collaboration with other local entities.

The opinions of self-employed workers who operate different types of transportation were also considered, he explained to the newspaper. September 5.

Pedraja Calderín added that the prices of parts and components of the means of transport, the value of maintenance work, painting, bodywork, upholstery and other repairs were analyzed, taking into account the time periods required for each task.

In addition, the capacity of the vehicles, the type of fuel used and their level of activity were taken into account to determine a differentiated value for each means.

In accordance with the aforementioned resolution, a price of 15.00 CUP per passenger is established for combustion tricycles that operate within the city of Cienfuegos, in a perimeter that covers from any point in the city to the ring road. From this limit, 5.00 CUP will be charged for each kilometer traveled.

In the case of two-seater motorcycles, the price will be 30.00 CUP within the same perimeter, and from there a cost of 10.00 CUP will be applied for each kilometer traveled per passenger.

For electric tricycles, the price within the perimeter will be 20.00 CUP, and from this limit 7.00 CUP will be charged for each kilometer traveled.

Regarding leased buses, they will be governed by the prices established for vans when they are not operating on the contracted routes. If they are providing service in the urban area of the municipality of Cienfuegos, a price of 5.00 CUP will be applied depending on the corresponding route.

Roberto Fabelo Martínez, director of the EPT, specified that the objective is to control the prices that are currently applied. The inspection bodies, both those belonging to the EPT (known as "Blues") and those of the UET (known as "Greens"), will be in charge of supervising compliance.

Fabelo Martínez also emphasized the need for transportation owners to update and visibly display fares to inform passengers.

Cienfuegos is not the only territory in Cuba that decided to raise the prices of private transportation, in the midst of the fuel crisis, the economic inflation suffered by citizens and the limited access to spare parts and other supplies to keep a vehicle in optimal conditions. .

In Havana they warned private transporters that they may have legal consequences if they are reported or it is detected that they fail to comply with current regulations.

In this way, the service of 46 privately operated passenger transportation routes will be controlled, with an average distance of approximately 11.6 km.

In 2020, when the Cuban capital decided find private transport prices, economist Elias Amor warned of how dangerous this type of decision represents.

"It is an absurd decision, which hinders the market's resource allocation mechanism and generates notable deficiencies. In the free market economy, capping prices is senseless. However, the communists who run the Cuban economy do not have the slightest qualms about putting put these types of measures into practice, and they do the same with agricultural products and with private transportation," he expressed in his blog Cubaeconomy.

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Lazaro Javier Chirino

CiberCuba journalist. Graduate in Sociocultural Studies from the University of Isla de la Juventud. Presenter and journalist on radio and television

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