They warn about an increase in respiratory infections in children of Artemisa

The Guanajay pediatric hospital, where children from across the province are treated urgently, warned about the incidence of SARs-Cov-2.

Niña ingresada en Cuba (Imagen referencial) © Periódico Artemisa - Oficial / Facebook
Girl admitted to Cuba (Reference image) Photo © Periódico Artemisa - Official / Facebook

The authorities of Artemisa are on alert due to the increase in acute respiratory infections of various etiologies detected in the child population.

According to the newspaper The Artemiseño, the José Ramón Martínez Álvarez pediatric hospital, located in Guanajay and where minors under 18 years of age from the eleven municipalities of the province are immediately treated, warned about the incidence of SARs-Cov-2.

Natasha Lara Urgellés, director of the institution, confirmed that the slight increase in pediatric cases is evident and stressed that we must pay more attention to the incidence of the disease.

So far there are no serious or critical patients, and one child is in intensive care for a possible central nervous system infection that is not linked to respiratory infections.

"Children under two years of age are the most prone according to statistics and studies according to our cases. Let us remember that they are not protected by a vaccine against the disease," said the doctor, who called for continuing to use the mask at home. , in closed spaces, day care centers and hospitals.

"Our doctors have plenty of experience in dealing with pandemics and we have already begun to organize the work," he added.

Lara Urgellés specified that the hospital not only offers treatment to COVID patients, but also maintains the usual services, but that if a complex situation occurs, it has all the human and material conditions to face it.

"We have service for feverish cases, availability of beds and the miscellaneous room is already enabled," he said.

From May 30 to Tuesday, June 6, Artemisa has detected 35 cases of coronavirus, according to statistics from the Ministry of Public Health.

He part This Wednesday reveals that the previous day a total of 24 positive cases for the virus, of which the vast majority (21) are under 20 years old.

At this moment there are 239 COVID patients admitted: 130 suspects and 109 confirmed active.

At the beginning of the month, the health authorities of Holguín revealed that the The number of children infected with coronavirus had increased to 77 in just 14 days, a scenario that the local press attributed to "the guard having been lowered."

Of the total number of minors with COVID, 75 were infants, a group that has not been vaccinated and is among those at highest risk of contagion.

"Children should not be exposed to large crowds; family members and other people who visit their homes must wash their hands and disinfect them and, above all, wear a mask when interacting with them; if they go out, It is necessary to avoid exposing them to crowds and closed premises," warned the Holguín newspaper Now!.

In April, the circulation of respiratory viruses with symptoms similar to dengue kept on alert to the province of Pinar del Río.

According to Carlos Fuster Callaba, provincial deputy director of surveillance and vector control, the epidemic transmission of dengue remained open in several municipalities, especially in San Juan and Martínez, but respiratory infections were also circulating that the population confuses with the disease transmitted by the Aedes Aegypti mosquito. .

"There are several respiratory viruses that circulate today with similar symptoms, but the majority are not dengue," he told the local weekly. Guerrilla, and argued his certainty in the use of tests called monosera, which detect the arbovirus.

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