Unprotected girl already attends special school in Havana

The eight-year-old girl was enrolled in a special school where she is a boarding student.

Niña mirando la televisión en el centro donde está interna © Yenisei del Castillo / Facebook
Little girl watching television in the center where she is boarding Photo © Yenisei del Castillo / Facebook

The Cuban girl Yuriana, who was unprotected despite living with her mother and grandmother - both with mental illnesses - was enrolled in a boarding school.

The artist and composer Yenisei del Castillo announced on her wallFacebook that the eight-year-old girl began to receive classes and complete attention at the Mártires de Regla Special School, the municipality where the family resides.

Photo: Facebook / Yenisei del Castillo

"With a lot of love and dedication, they take care of the boarding children, complying with their life schedules. And here is the girl," said Yenisei, along with photos of the minor sitting watching television or in a living room, where the beds can be seen. from other girls.

Facebook Capture / Yenisei del Castillo

Yuriana's case came to light last week, when a woman askedHelp on Facebook for her and her mother when they see poverty and lack of protection who suffer, after seeing them wandering in the streets and without food.

"That mother is obviously going through a very difficult situation, but she is also not mentally well. How is she going to take care of that girl, for God's sake? Where are the institutions? Family code!" the witness then questioned. .

Days later, Yenisei del Castillo, who is part of a UNEAC community project to help the elderly, announced that Yuriana would go on a scholarship, after her mother signed the corresponding authorization.

"I'm here. Everything is fine, the girl comes home from school in the afternoon. Everything is at peace!" he said last Tuesday in hisFacebook.

Facebook Capture / Yenisei del Castillo

Other Cubans also updated on the minor's situation, and reported whenattended school and that the family would receive medical care.

"The pertinent authorities who must handle this case were already notified this morning, Monday, 06-12-2023, the girl attended school today, the mother and grandmother tomorrow begin to attend a clinic for the day where they will be will give them their medication," the Internet user identified as Chaby Micro said on Facebook.

Another publication on networks specified that the girl "lives with her mother, who responds to the name of Ernestina, has nervous problems and has neither the mental stability nor the means to take care of her daughter. The girl is very poorly cared for, I consider that the institutions in charge must intervene and remove her from that environment," said an Internet user, who asked for help to bring the girl school supplies, toys, clothes, shoes and food.

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