Cuban arrested at Spanish airport for smuggling cigars for Santeria

The traveler had 224 cigars in his luggage.

Puros decomisados © Captura de video/Discovery Latinoamérica
Confiscated cigars Photo © Video Capture/Discovery Latin America

A Cuban was detained at an airport in Spain for allegedly smuggling cigars for Santeria, after authorities found more than 200 cigars in his luggage.

The customs agents checked the suitcase of the young man, who has been living in the European nation for several years, and were surprised to find four packages with a total of 224 cigars and several boxes of cigarettes, according to a video published onFacebook through the channelDiscovery Latin America.

When asked what he would use the merchandise for, the traveler responded that it was intended for religious work linked to Santeria.

"You smoke the cigar and you give smoke to the saint," he explained to the curious agents.

He clarified that it was not about celebritiescigars Cuban exportables, but those that are sold in bulk on the island for two pesos.

The Civil Guards detained the young man and assured him that transporting cigars was not illegal as long as he carried the authorized quantities, no more than two boxes or 50 units.

In that case, they gave him the option of leaving with that amount andleave the rest of the cargo at the airport, or sign a smuggling act, which carries sanctions, one of which could be paying the remaining seven boxes of cigars at the sales price in the European nation, 100 euros each.

"Even if you declare this, you cannot pass it, it is a very large amount, there are ninecigar boxes and he cannot pay the price for them, which have a very high value in the market," they explained.

"Paying this amount will cost you about 700 euros," the guards clarified.

The Cuban traveler opted for the confiscation of the merchandise, and stated that he had been in Spain for two years, during which he was unable to work for the first eight months and had not had a good time, he explained.

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