Pancho Céspedes and Chucho Valdés accompanied Alejandro Sanz in the last concert in Spain

Cuban and Spanish musicians shared an unforgettable concert in Cádiz.

Alejandro Sanz, Chucho Valdés, Pancho Céspedes y Antonio Carmona © Facebook Pancho Céspedes
Alejandro Sanz, Chucho Valdés, Pancho Céspedes and Antonio Carmona Photo © Facebook Pancho Céspedes

The musicianAlejandro Sanz He had luxury Cuban guests at a recent concert he did in Cádiz, Spain.

The author of "Corazón partío" was accompanied by the pianistChucho Valdes and by the singer-songwriterPancho Cespedes. Both Cubans showed a photo on their social networks that attests to the meeting.

Instagram Chucho Valdes

Another of the guests was the flamenco singerAntonio Carmona, known for being one of the voices of Ketama. The four artists left a nice snapshot as a memory for posterity.

TheAlejandro Sanz tour through various Spanish cities, ending in Chiclana de la Frontera, Cádiz last week. Now the musician is preparing to offer concerts in the United States, as he announced on his social networks.

Chucho Valdes lives in Spain andPancho Cespedes He was visiting the Iberian Peninsula in recent days.

Everything seems to indicate that the universe conspired so that these music stars could meet and have an excellent evening. Will they repeat in the United States?

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