Díaz-Canel meets with Xi Jinping in South Africa

The president of China affirmed that he will do everything possible to provide support for the economic and social development of Cuba.

Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de China
Xi Jinping and Miguel Díaz-Canel in the Great Hall of the People, in Beijing, in 2022 Photo © Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China

The Chinese president,Xi Jinping, met this Wednesday with the Cuban leader,Miguel Diaz-Canel, on the sidelines of the XV BRICS Summit.

According to what was referred to by theagenciesIn Chinese press reports, President Xi Jinping said that his country will continue to firmly support Cuba "in defending national sovereignty and opposing external interference and the blockade."

During the meeting of both leaders, the Asian giant expressed that China will also do everything possible to provide support for the economic and social development of Cuba.

Both leaders were recently involved in a scandal unleashed by the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) revelations aboutagreements between China and Cuba to spyto the United States from Cuban territory.

The Chinese and Cuban governments have reached a secret agreement for China to establish an electronic espionage base on the island, in order to capture signals and steal US military secrets, according to the WSJ, citing officials as a source. knowledgeable about "highly classified" intelligence reports.

This Sunday Díaz-Canel traveled to South Africa on an official visitwhich will last until August 22 to participate in the Summit of the BRICS group (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), and "as president of the group of 77 and China."

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