They denounce the sale of toxic sardines in Matanzas

As explained by a veterinarian, the symptoms range from seizures, instability, vomiting, diarrhea, respiratory distress, to death.

Sardinas (Imagen de referencia) © Flickr / José Antonio Gil Martínez
Sardines (Reference image) Photo © Flickr / José Antonio Gil Martínez

Animalists and veterinarians from Matanzas denounced theselling sardines that have poisoned to dozens of cats in that city.

As explained by thepagefrom the Matanzas Animal Welfare network, these are sardines caught in the San Juan River that have made the animals vomit and some have died from consuming them.

"Please, anyone who has bought or is going to buy sardines today in the Pueblo Nuevo area, please do not give it to your animals. Our veterinarian Yuya is caring for poisoned kittens at this very moment who unfortunately have not been able to win the battle because of this and they continue to call you for other cases," said the organization, reiterating that these fish should not be given to pets.

Facebook / BAC-Matanzas

The veterinarian identified asYuya Abreu, who attended to the poisoning cases, also warned of the latent danger for the felines, which have presented symptoms such as seizures, instability, vomiting, diarrhea, and respiratory difficulty.

Facebook / Yuya Abreu

The specialist recommended not giving the sardines raw and before cooking them, clean them well and remove the viscera and head.

Dozens of people commented that they had bought these sardines and one of them, the most affected, explained that her 16 cats showed serious symptoms and two of them died.

"Two died very quickly and I even gave them oxygen because I had it at home (...) Today the troops are out of danger, except for two who are very sick," said the woman, who argued that she was very careful with the food. of their animals.

Facebook / Evelin Sara Cruz Alvarez

"There is something strange in this story, something happens and it is not the one who sells it because I have been a regular customer of his for a long time and he is an excellent person, maybe they are dumping waste or some chemical into the water, we have to find out," said.

Several people demanded an explanation from the authorities for such a situation that threatens the lives of felines.

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