Missing Cuban father who escaped from the island on a surfboard in August

Grabiel Gómez Oma jumped into the sea from Guanabo on August 23 and the mother, desperate, asks for help; Its number is 34632914559.

Grabiel Gómez Oma © Cortesía de la madre
Grabiel Gómez Oma Photo © Courtesy of mother

A Cuban father who escaped the island in August on a windsurf board He is missing, according to what his mother reported to CyberCuba.

In her testimony, the distraught woman told our editorial team that Grabiel Gómez Oma He jumped into the sea from Guanabo, Havana, heading to the coast of Florida and since August 23 he has not known anything about his whereabouts.

The man, 37 years old, father of two children aged six and eight, respectively, left at 8:00 pm. from Guanabo and had with him a diving suit and an underwater fishing gun.

He last communicated with the family from the sea, when he wrote to a nephew of his, but since then they have had no further news.

Courtesy of mother

In the midst of great uncertainty, Ofelia, his mother, asks for any information and visibility of the case to find his whereabouts, since the Cuban authorities do not give her details and, in her opinion, they have no interest in searching for him since he is an emigrant. illegal.

She indicated the number 34632914559 to contact her.

The woman fears for her son's life because, although she claims to know how to swim very well, she has no experience in water sports.

Several Cubans have chosen to flee the country on surfboards, exposed to the risky journey and the changing weather conditions that threaten their lives.

In May the story of Pablo Mantilla, who left Varadero in the morning on a kitesurf board and arrived in the United States in the afternoon. He took advantage of southeast winds to navigate and the dust of the Sahara to avoid being detected, he got tangled in sargassum, talked with other rafters on the route and only carried two liters of sugar water with him for a six-hour journey.

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