Cuban government sends more doctors to Africa

In Gambia, around a hundred Cuban health workers provide services, not only in patient care but as teachers.

Médicos cubanos en Gambia ©
Cuban doctors in Gambia Photo ©

The Cuban regime is sending a new group of health professionals to Gambia, where they will join the island's medical brigade that works in that African country, under cooperation agreements between both governments.

The group, made up of graduates from different specialties, arrived last Sunday in Banjul, capital of Gambia, where they were received by the head of the brigade, Juan F. Oquendo Montes, and the Cuban ambassador, Rubén G. Abelenda.

As reported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in itsweb, a hundred Cuban health workers provide services in the African nation, not only in patient care but as teachers.

Collaboration between both governments in health matters began in 1996 and has not been interrupted since then.

In the midst of the deficit of the health crisis that Cuba is going through, the regime continues to send medical specialists to other countries.

Mexico, where there are currently 806 Cuban professionals covering more than 30 specialties,seeks to expand the agreement to receive more doctors from Cuba and cover the personnel deficit in its health system.

The director of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), Zoé Robledo, stated that they are working to expand collaboration with the Cuban government and that they will extend the agreement, which began on May 8, 2022, for another year.

"This mission that is now in our country has the intention that we can establish the extension of this agreement for one more year, and not only its extension, but also review other scopes," said Robledo.

At the end of July, a brigade composed of doctors, electromedics, biomedical engineers,special clinicians and legal specialists arrived Zimbabwe, where they will work in public hospitals throughout the country.

"The medical specialists are in the country as part of a long-standing bilateral agreement between Cuba and Zimbabwe that has existed for more than four decades. The Cuban medical brigade will assist in the provision of health services throughout Zimbabwe and share experiences with their counterparts Zimbabweans," said Yoisy Ford García, a Cuban diplomat.

Meanwhile, Cuban doctorsLandy Rodríguez Hernández and Assel Herrera Correa remain missing exactly four years ago, after being kidnapped in Kenya by the jihadist group Al Shabab.

The doctors, who were part of a contingent of a hundred Cuban professionals who arrived in Kenya in 2018, were traveling in a convoy to the Mandera hospital protected by armed escorts, when they were intercepted after a shootout in which one of the police officers died. who ensured their safety.

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