Strong electrical storm in Havana leaves shocking images

Authorities in the capital assured that at least 25 electrical circuits were disconnected from the National Electric System (SEN) due to strong electrical discharges.

A strong electrical storm on Tuesday night in Havana left shocking images and damage to around twenty electrical circuits that were disconnected from the National Electric System (SEN) due to bad weather, as revealed by the official press.

“This is how the night was illuminated in the capital with several volleys over the bay and on the north coast. That's why you have to be very careful with electric shocks, you never know where they are going to land.", wrote inFacebook meteorologist Ariel Maturell Salina with impressive photos of lightning visible during the capital storm.

Facebook Capture/Ariel Maturell Salina

“An area of intense rain, electric shocks and winds affects the Cuban capital tonight. According to specialist Ailyn Caridad Jústiz Águila, the phenomenon is due to the warming of the day itself,"explained for his part, the journalist Lázaro Manuel Alonso.

Facebook Capture/Hello Havana

“These instabilities mainly occur in the afternoon, but this Tuesday it occurred after 9 p.m. “Electric service was removed in a large part of the city.”added the official communicator.

Facebook capture/Lázaro Manuel Alonso

Shortly after, Alonso specified that according to information from the director of the Havana Electric Company, Mario Castillo Salas, At least 25 circuits in the capital were triggered by tonight's storm.

"The persistence of rain in several municipalities limits restoration efforts," added the source, whose text was followed by dozens of comments from Internet users who assured that the storm was the perfect excuse for new blackouts.

Facebook capture/Lázaro Manuel Alonso

Maturell Salina had already warned that there was a“marked increase in humidity,” which would be generating storms that would extend into the night in much of the country.

On social networks, several Havana residents assured that the storm affected the entire city.

In itspart newspaper the Cuban Institute of Meteorology (INSMET) warned thatThis September 20 there will also be “numerous showers, rains and thunderstorms, which will last into the night.”

The same source predicted that the afternoon would be warm, with maximum temperatures between 32 and 35 degrees Celsius; while at night temperatures will range between 24 and 27 degrees Celsius. In areas with thunderstorms, the force of the wind and the height of the waves can increase,” the note concludes.

Interestingly, residents of Miami-Dade County and South Florida in generalThey also experienced an imposing night storm this Tuesday, which left shocking images of lightning, thunder, gusts of wind and even the occasional fall of trees in some areas.

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