Russian Embassy in Cuba assures that it does not know the numbers of Cubans recruited

Russia said that it is aware of the presence of Cubans on its front in Ukraine, but affirms that it does not know the exact numbers.

Supuestos mercenarios cubanos reclutados por Rusia © Alain Paparazzi Cubano
Alleged Cuban mercenaries recruited by Russia Photo © Alain Paparazzi Cuban

The Russian ambassador to Cuba, Víktor Koronelli, said he was in talks with the regime about the Cubans hired to fight in Ukraine, but stated that he does not know the exact number of people recruited.

During a thank-you event for a donation of 650 tons of vegetable oil from Russia and the World Food Program (WFP) in Havana, Koronelli explained that both governments are currently "in contact" and "working" together to clarify the contracting of Cuban citizens to participate in the war conflict on the Russian side, the news agency quotedWHICH.

He acknowledged that the embassy is aware of the presence in Russia of Cubans who have traveled with the purpose of receiving military training, but said that he does not know the exact numbers.

"The competent bodies are working and in contact with both the Russian side and the Cuban side" to obtain precise information about the situation, the diplomat clarified.

The presence of Cubans on the Russian front came to light after the denunciation oftwo families who assured that his children had been tricked into participating in the war against Ukraine.

Following this complaint, the Cuban Government reported the dismantling of an alleged Cuban recruitment network, and then a team of Ukrainian hackers obtained information from an email from a Russian military officer about nearly 200 passports of Cubans who are supposedly serving as hired mercenaries. for Russia.

Under pressure from these revelations, the Cuban Foreign Ministry issued a statement rejecting any form of participation in the invasion of Ukraine and emphasized that mercenarism isa crime in the country.

This occurs at a complex moment for the regime where it has had to approach Moscow so that its old ally can help alleviate the serious crisis on the island.

In recent months political contacts have increased, andboth nations have explored avenues to increase economic exchanges.

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