Volleyball player Miguel Angel López: “The change of technical group has been very good for us”

The Cienfuegos attacker considers that now the team is different "mentally and emotionally."

Con los colores de su club actual, el Sada Cruzeiro brasileño. ©
With the colors of his current club, the Brazilian Sada Cruzeiro. Photo ©

The stellar volleyball player Miguel Ángel López has launched a dart to the previous coaching staff of the Cuban national team, who is getting ready to participate in the Rio de Janeiro Pre-Olympic.

In statements to Radio Havana Cuba, the attacker from Cienfuegos considered that “mentally and mentally the team is different", since "the change of technical group has been very good for us, since harmony had been lost a little."

At the beginning of last August, the National Volleyball Commission announced the decision to renew the leadership of the island squads of both sexes. In the case of the men's team, Nicolás Vives was replaced by Jesús Cruz, who until then worked with the minor categories of the men's sector.

During the Pre-Olympic, the 'Flying Cuban' - as they call López in reference to his jumping power - must pull the Cuban car alongside the other two key figures of the squad, Marlon Yant and Jesús Herrera.

"Just left let everyone give 200 percent when it comes to playing to get the victories we need to qualify for Paris,” the 26-year-old, who participated in the 2016 Olympics, told the same source.

In search of the summer passage, The Cuban team will have a very complicated challenge after being placed alongside Brazil, the Czech Republic, Germany, Iran, Italy, Qatar and Ukraine.

Once the Round Robin is over, only the two best will win the right to attend the Paris event.

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Michael Contreras

CiberCuba journalist specialized in baseball, soccer and chess.

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