Barack and Michelle Obama celebrate 31 years of marriage: "A lifetime ahead"

The Obamas celebrate their anniversary with romantic posts on Instagram and receive congratulations from their followers and famous personalities.

Barack y Michelle Obama © Instagram / Michelle Obama
Barack y Michelle Obama Photo © Instagram / Michelle Obama

As is tradition on its designated dates, the obamas They celebrated their wedding anniversary with some romantic posts on Instagram, where once again they showed their most romantic side to their millions of followers.

Michelle and Barack Obama They celebrated 31 years since they became husband and wife this October 3, a special occasion that they did not miss to show that the passage of time has only made them stronger as a couple.

"31 years and a whole life ahead. I love living life with you by my side, @BarackObama. Happy anniversary, darling!" wrote the former first lady of the United States along with a beautiful photo with her husband in which They appear most smiling with a sunset behind them.

Barack Obama also took to Instagram to dedicate his most affectionate words to his wife, whom he described as "brilliant, kind, funny and beautiful." "I'm lucky to call you mine," he added after congratulating her on her anniversary.

Their followers and other personalities (such as Alicia Keys, Rita Wilson or Julia Roberts) have joined their virtual celebration by sending them congratulatory messages in the comments of their publications. And Barack and Michelle Obama form one of the most admired couples on the globe. In addition, together they are parents of Malia and Sasha, 25 and 22 years old.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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