Memes rain after minister's excuse to justify lack of peas in Cuba

Those who had electricity that day in their homes and resisted Betsy Díaz Velázquez's misinformation bombardment without suffering a stroke, may have learned that beans are no longer produced in Cuba, among other misfortunes related to the basic food basket.

Imagen generada por IA de cubanos recolectando chícharos en Canada y la ministra Betsy Díaz Velázquez © Tik Tok / lagusanita27 - X / @BetsyDazVelzqu2
AI-generated image of Cubans collecting peas in Canada and Minister Betsy Díaz Velázquez Foto © Tik Tok / lagusanita27 - X / @BetsyDazVelzqu2

With three months left until the freezing of the rivers in Canada begins, Cubans are heating up the networks with countless memes inspired by the words spoken in theRound table by the Minister of Internal Trade (MINCIN),Betsy Diaz Velazquez.

“We were in a period, from January to May,where Canada's rivers freeze and cannot export. They are dynamics that the population does not know and that forces us to supply with beans or peas," said the minister in prime time on theCuban Television.

Known by Cubans as the“Dumb Table”, the program left the image of the journalist for its historyRandy Alonso nodding with his usual emphasis to such reasoning from the minister of the executive ofMiguel Diaz-Canel.

Those who had electricity that day in their homes and resisted Díaz Velázquez's misinformation bombardment without suffering a stroke, may have learned that Cuba no longer produces beans, that the regime no longer provides milk for children up to the age of seven, but up to three, and that pregnant and sick people do not have milk,among other misfortunes related to the basic food basket.

With the country falling into the abyss of the food emergency, Cubans still do not miss the opportunity to laugh at their misfortunes, and the minister's explanations about Canada's frozen rivers and its export of peas became fodder for memes on social networks.

CyberCubashares some of them coinciding with that phrase by Groucho Marx that says: “Humor is the reason when life has gone crazy.”

Screenshot Facebook/iMeme

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