Otaola responds harshly to Emilio Frías

The controversy between the singer and the influencer began after Emilio's daughter was born in Mexico, as Otaola questioned why the musician did not let his partner have the little girl in Cuba.

The Cuban influencerAlexander Otaola responded with harsh words to a video ofEmilio Frias, director of the orchestra "El Niño y La Verdad", where the singer predicts a bad end for him.

At the showCuban entertainment, published by the YouTube channelCubans around the World, Otaola went directly to Frías and left him strong offenses.

"I think you are shameless, an opportunist and a balloonist. You can talk to me in feminine terms, try to denigrate me and blame me for everything bad, but a guy like you,coward and little man, it doesn't have the testosterone that you need to have for me to have a complex," Otaola said.

Thecontroversy between Frías and Otaola It started two weeks ago, afterbirth of the singer's daughter in Mexico.

The musician left Cuba with his pregnant partner and the girl was born far from the island. This did not seem good to Otaola and he criticized the orchestra director. He accused him of beingregime follower and said that the girl had to be born in a Cuban hospital with the poor conditions that prevail there.

This bothered the singer andHe responded with very harsh words to the influencer. Among other things, he told him that "the only thing he has done is profit and make money from the pain of Cubans." Otaola did not remain silent and has returned to the fray withmore offense against Frías.

This Monday Otaola told the director of "El Niño y La Verdad" that he lacks nothing to be"The Girl of the Lie". He accused him of being a"climbing guajiro" and a guy lacking talents.

The influencer also referred to the musical theme"Change", which caused problems forEmilio Frias in Cuba. In Otaola's opinion, the musician never suffered censorship or was criticized because that song"it says nothing".

"You acted offended, you were punished and you were nothing. Because you are worthless, you are nobody, they don't take you into account,you have never achieved anything, within the disgusting puddle of musical mediocrity that remains on the island, not even there, you have managed to stand out," said Otaola.

The influencer believes that the singer will not have space in the United States and in Mexico he will only be "a slum entertainer." He also referred to the religious beliefs ofEmilio Frias and told him that the deity to whom he consecrated himself does not respect him.

Otaola has had similar conflicts with other Cuban artists. It is not the first time that he has clashed on social networks with musicians residing inside and outside of Cuba.

One of the most media cases was hisdiscussion with Descemer Bueno, a dispute that they recently resolved amicably, to the surprise of people who followed their fights on social networks.

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