Riot in Holguín leaves one dead and several injured

The deceased's name was Yurisan Almaguer Batista and he was stabbed in the chest with a knife, in the middle of a fight that got out of control. There are several injured, although the number was not specified.

A street in Cueto, Holguín (reference image) Photo © Facebook/Cueto, Cuba

One dead and several injured was the balance of arow that broke out in a restaurant in the town of Marcané, Cueto municipality, in Holguín, last Friday.

The deceased was calledYurisan Almaguer Batista and wentstabbed in the chest with a knife, in the middle of a fight that got out of control, according to a source consulted by theofficial Facebook profile “Realities from Holguín”, associated with the Ministry of the Interior.

Capture of Facebook/Realities from Holguín

The account of the events - between fictional and real - cites as a source a neighbor, who said that around 6 in the afternoon on October 13, a group of people arrived at the establishment - whose name was not revealed - and began to consumealcoholic beverages.

“The spirits of those who were consuming drinks without fear began to heat up. Other subjects arrived at the scene to defend the points of view of the parties in dispute,” the note described, and later insisted that tensions increased, in proportion to the alcohol intake by the clients.

According to the publication, the “mediator” of the dispute “was a metal tube-shaped object with which a man decided to break the ice, and in what way.”

The source stated that the individual “began to injure everyone who crossed his path with a clean blow.” In the middle of it, someone gave Almaguer the wound that cost him his life.

Although the note does not specify it, apparently Almaguer was the person who until that moment had attacked the others involved in the brawl.

According to the version of the official profile, the injured man was immediately taken to the Marcané Hospital, approximately 600 meters from the scene of the events, but when he arrived, there was alreadydeceased, “they could do nothing to revive him.”

The post indicated that police officers showed up at the hospital because those involved in the fight, while intoxicated, tried to “alter order again” at the health center.

The rest of the injured were evacuated, the note stated, which did not identify the injured, nor the perpetrator of the stabbing and death of Almaguer.

The body of the deceased was taken “first to Holguín (to perform an autopsy) and then to the family home where he was laid to rest.” His burial took place on Saturday morning, “without incident,” the letter stated.

“Realidades desde Holguín” assured that the incident is being investigated, several people were arrested and others are “to be prosecuted”, but it did not identify any of them. “I don't know those details at this moment,” he concluded.

Recently, massive fights have been reported in other places in Cuba, which are a testimony to thewave of violence that keeps citizens in suspense.

At the beginning of this month, amob fight involved dozens of Cubans on a street in Nueva Gerona, Isla de la Juventud, and, although the confrontation lasted almost two hours, the police never arrived, according to witnesses to the event.

Just a week ago, theChilling images of a young man seriously injured after a fight with machetes on the Havana boardwalk. One of the videos shows chases within the crowd and one of the young men armed with a machete.

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