CiberCuba Survey: 95% of Cubans disapprove of Díaz-Canel's management

Furthermore, 77% of users consider the ruler's work as "possibly worse."

Miguel Díaz-Canel © Televisión cubana
Miguel Diaz-Canel Photo © Cuban Television

CyberCuba conducted a survey on the platform Telegram to know the opinion of Cubans about the government's management Miguel Diaz-Canel and the results were devastating for the president.

95% of Cubans disapprove of his mandate in power and 77% of users who participated in the survey consider Díaz-Canel's work as "possibly worse."

CiberCuba on Telegram

Only 3% of those surveyed said that the Villa Clara native's management has been excellent. In the comments to the publication, the criteria of disagreement with the economic measures that he has imposed during his mandate and the increase in repression in the country stand out.

"There has not existed in the entire History of the Republic of Cuba as an independent state, since May 20, 1902, a Head of State and government with such terrible management. The country has been in a constant and persistent involution in all its indicators, reaching the highest unpopularity rates in decades for a political representative," said one user.

He also pointed out that the Díaz-Canel disasters have been seen in all sectors of the Cuban economy and the life of the country.

"In any economic, political, social, cultural, sports, scientific, environmental, etc. field. The management of citizen Miguel Mario Díaz-Canel Bermúdez has been catastrophic and cursed for this country, demonstrating in every decision he has made what are characteristics inherent to his personality: mediocrity, ineptitude, notorious inability and stupidity. Any person with an iota of dignity, self-esteem, respect and self-love in the face of such terrible management would have resigned a long time ago," he said.

Another user, who called him "Diazka" in reference to the song that ended up leaving him nickname "el singao", pointed out that the president received the country on the brink of collapse.

"The guy may be a singao, because of the 11J (massive protests in Cuba) and all the trash he talks about, but don't forget that the intellectual authors of the country's destruction have been the Castro family and their clique. Canel has had to eat the trick," he commented.

Several people describe him as "inept", "hand-picked" and some consider that his management has been the worst of all in the communist era.

"It must be taken into account that, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez"He is a figure who is placed in the position of president out of convenience and not because he is or is not the ideal person to hold the most important position in the country," said another person.

Until the time of writing this note, the survey has had more than 2,820 votes and hundreds of comments.

On Monday Miguel Díaz-Canel was interviewed by the official journalist Arleen Rodríguez Derivet. The president referred to various issues of the current situation in Cuba and considered it “offensive” that many citizens think his management has shades of a neoliberal policy.

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