A Cuban teenager residing in the provinceHundred fires has been absent with an unknown whereabouts for several days, according to official blogger Henry Omar Pérez, who stated that the minor“suffers from psychiatric disorders.”
The source indicated that several people told the family that they have seen him in the city ofSaint Clare, and asks for help so that whoever sees it can report it immediately, although he did not release a telephone number to notify him.
In the comments section of the publication, several Internet users asked for more information about the case: age of the teenager, name, since when he has been missing, what he was wearing when he was last seen and the municipality of origin of the minor.
However, At the close of this note, it has only emerged that the teenager's name is “Yasiel”, and that he has been missing since the beginning of this week.
The reports ofmissing in Cuba are increasingly frequent in recent months, as well as the dissemination of requests for help through social networks to obtain information, this in the midst of a context ofincreasing violence and reproaches for poor police action in such cases.
In recent days it emerged that a young Cuban resident in the municipalitySagebrush, in the province of the same name,His whereabouts were unknown since Saturday, October 21, according toreportedon social networks the Cuban Institute for Freedom of Expression and Press (ICLEP). In that case, the missing person was identified as Yoandry Villa Díaz, 21 years old and resident in the Toledo neighborhood.
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