A culvert collapses and interrupts road traffic in Holguín

The breakdown occurred around kilometer 73, in the place known as Jicotea, near the town of Guaro, in the municipality of Mayarí.

Alcantarilla colapsada en carretera Moa-Holguín © Facebook / Utilitarias Radio Holguin
Collapsed sewer on the Moa-Holguín highway Photo © Facebook / Utilitarias Radio Holguin

The intense rains that recently fell in Holguín caused the collapse of a culvert on the highway that connects the cities of Holguín and Moa, in eastern Cuba, and the subsequent interruption of traffic along that important economic and social route.

The breakdown occurred around kilometer 73, in the place known as Jicotea, near the town of Guaro, in the municipality of Mayarí, as a result of a structural failure that caused the collapse of the metal vault that constitutes the sewer.

Screenshot Facebook / Utilitarias Radio Holguin

The director of the Provincial Road Center,Pavel Rodríguez Rodríguez, he said to theCuban News Agency (ACN) that the affected work was built in the 40s of the last century, when it was delivered with a 50-year guarantee.

The lack of maintenance and investments over decades resulted in the collapse of the structure and the road, triggered by flooding caused by recent heavy rains.

Since the interruption, the Vértice Project Company and the Engineering Works Construction Company 17 evaluate alternatives to undertake a detour. According toACN, the objective is that the circulation of vehicles will be restored during the night of Tuesday or the morning of this Wednesday.

Rodríguez recommended to people with planned trips between Holguín and Moa that these be postponed to reduce traffic flows in the area while the execution work lasts, and as long as the trips are not essential. In statements toRadio Holguin, the manager acknowledged that “the task is complex.”

“Collapse of factory work (culvert) on the Holguín-Mayarí highway prevents circulation on the road. Traffic to the municipalities of Moa, Sagua de Tánamo, Frank País and Mayarí was affected. The collapse occurred on Tuesday morning at the factory located on the Jicotea River in the Guaro district, kilometer 73,” the Utilitarias program of the aforementioned radio reported on its networks.

According to theACN, on the Holguín-Moa highway, different rehabilitation actions have been carried out for several years and more than 20 culverts that have collapsed have been restored.

More than 2,800 homes in Holguín suffered damage due to intense rains falls in this province, which caused flooding in the municipalities of Cacocum, Mayarí, Gibara and Rafael Freyre.

The main damage was concentrated in the towns of La Agraria, in Cacocum; Guaro, in Mayari; Velasco, in Gibara; low areas of Rafael Freyre and the Harlem and 26 de Julio neighborhoods of the city of Holguín.

The network of stations recorded the highest accumulated rainfall, greater than 200 millimeters (mm), in Mayarí and the Nipe dam. At the provincial level, an average of 69.9 mm fell in the last 24 hours.

As reported by theACNIn addition to the damage in the residential sector, the Monteverde pipeline broke, a transformer burned at the Nicaro pumping station, Mayarí, and there were floods in the systems of the La Línea neighborhood and the entrance to the municipality of Cacocum, all of which which affects the water supply to these populations.

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