US chicken exports to Cuba fall to their lowest level in 2023

While the Cuban regime and its “new economic actors” imported 37 million dollars in chicken meat in the month of August, purchases made in September fell by more than half, with a drastic drop that has been reflected on the table. of Cuban families.

Cola para comprar pollo en La Habana (Imagen de referencia) © CiberCuba
Queue to buy chicken in Havana (Reference image) Photo © CiberCuba

The Cuban regime and its MSMEs established a new record in September,registering the largest drop in purchases ofchicken meat American so far this year.

Chicken exports from the United States to Cuba fell below 60% in September, compared to those made in August, according to data from theAgriculture department American (USDA).

“Exports of chicken meat from the US to Cuba plummeted 66% in September, in terms of tons, with a drop of 61% in value, as reported today by the US Department of Agriculture,” the economist indicated in X.Pedro Monreal.

While the Cuban regime and its “new economic actors” imported 37 million dollars in chicken meat in the month of August, purchases made in September fell by more than half, with a drastic drop that has been reflected on the table. of Cuban families.

Web Screenshot / USDA

In September, Cuba bought chicken meat worth about 14 million dollars from the United States, investing 61% less in this basic food for the nutrition of Cubans, compared to August.

Until now, the lowest figure for chicken exports had been reported in April, when Cuba allocated about 17 million dollars to purchase this product in the United States.

Web Screenshot / USDA

However, September data sets a new negative record,registering the largest drop so far in 2023, with almost 12 million tons of chicken purchased in the United States (about 23 million tons less than in August).

The September figures are in turn a record compared to the monthly purchases made during 2022, a year thatrecorded its biggest drop in October in US chicken imports, which reached $20 million.

Although the drop in September is still greater than that of October 2022, the data from the Cuban reality indicate that October of this year may be even worse.

At the end of last month, the Caribe and CIMEX stores in Havana began the cycle of regulated food saleswithout including chicken in the food “module” in Cuban pesos, instead of which they began to sell products such as liver and gizzards.

August was beginning when in Havana scenes of trucks withcontainers of chicken from MSMEs that were sold on public roads.

“That sale under a bush is an informal market. It does not function as a competitive market nor does it connect with the internal economy. It is a ‘Phoenicians’ business and politically it is indefensible,” Monreal observed in response to the news.

A month later, at the beginning of September, the journalistJosé Raúl Gallego denounced that the Mipyme Merca-Max SURL - which sells chicken from the United States - is owned byYoandy Riverón, known as agent "Cristian" of State Security.

In mid-August, the United States government assured through its diplomatic representation in Havana thatFood and medicine from their country arrive daily in Cuba.

Chicken is the most widely purchased product in the United States and ranks above others such as dairy products, pork, pastry and pasta products, non-alcoholic beverages, among others.

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